Recent Blog Posts


KBOO on Face to Face

Earlier this year KBOO Outreach Coordinator Toni Tabora Roberts and volunteer Trillium Shannon appeared on the Portland Community Media program, Face to Face. Watch and enjoy. Read more

Food For Thought And Action: Springboard Social Innovation Forum

Listen to Radiozine on Tuesday, November 11th at 10:00 a.m. My guests will be Amy Pearl, Executive Director of Springboard Innovation and Katherine Ball, Organizer of the Social Innovation Forum. Springboard Innovation, a Portland-based nonprofit, sponsors the forum as part... Read more

Election night at the Multnomah County Election Office

November 4, 2008 outside of the Multnomah County election office the line of voters waiting to cast their vote strung along SE Morrison Street for two blocks estimated to take an hour plus to get through.  Multnomah County officials were on site with special forms for those... Read more

The new poll tax

The great Rachel Maddow on the modern poll tax: (still working on embedding video. Watch it anyway, foo!) (H/T, Pandagon) -A   Read more

End of the Republican era

 The always-excellent Sidney Blumenthal, writing in the Guardian: Today's election is poised to end the Republican era in American politics - an era that began in reaction to Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, the Vietnam war and the civil rights revolution, was pioneered by Ri... Read more