Recent Blog Posts

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Welcome to 2.5!

Welome to the latest version of the KBOO website!  This update makes it easier for you to find what you are looking for with a new navigation menu and search box.  It also offers new ways for you to connect with your favorite programs through the podcasts, RSS feeds, blogs ... Read more

US Economic Crisis: How Its Affecting Women In Other Countries

Friday, November 28th I aired and recapped the three interviews that I conducted during the wee hours of Tuesday, November 25th.  All three guests were from another country; Sweden, France and The Netherlands.  My guests/interviewees included Adrianne George, owner of AG Co... Read more

2008 Fall Membership Drive Results

Thanks very much to everyone who contributed during our recent Fall Membership Drive!  I'm thrilled to report that we met our fundraising goal of $125,000 ( $126,187 actually raised), although the on-air portion of the Drive fell short.  We immediately sent out a special ap... Read more

A Preview of Version 2.5

I'm happy to share a sneak peak at the latest version of the website, which will make it easier for visitors find what they are looking for.  Below you will see our new navagation menu displayed along the top of the page and new ways to interact with programs via their webp... Read more

caring labor and the economic stimulus

for the Old Mole Dec 1, 2008 As president-elect Barak Obama puts together his economic stimulus plan, a number of feminist economists have proposed that it ought to include investments not just in infrastructure—things like roads and bridges—but also in "human infrastruct... Read more

Bread & Roses Show Friday, November 28th @ 6pm

Dear Friends: The US Economic Crisis has affected many women across or great country, but how is it affecting women in other countries?  Listen to Bread & Roses on KBOO 90.7FM on Friday, November 28, 2008 at 6:00pmPST to learn more.   Join me, Bridget B., as I speak to women... Read more