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Choose Your Rhetoric: Power or Compassion?

Power versus Compassion in Presidential Campaign Rhetoric    If the Presidential campaign were a football game, it’s beginning to look like the Republicans have the ball and the Democrats are playing defense.  The Republicans attack, and the Democrats answer.  The aggressor... Read more

Close enough to steal

 As has been made abundantly clear, the Republicans only need to keep the election close enough to steal."Also today, critics accused Van Hollen - a Republican serving as the state co-chair of John McCain's presidential campaign - of filing the suit for partisan gain and tr... Read more

Pigs, lipstick, lies

A couple of things have happened of late that led me to believe that the once-proud institution of American journalism might shake itself free of its calcified stupor and cover this presidential campaign in a manner befitting a free society. But then the Pig-n-Lipstick Page... Read more

New McCain ad: Obama is a big scary black man who wants to teach your children about sex

 New McCain ad: Obama is a big scary black man who wants to teach your children about sexNot really sure what to say about this one. It certainly plumbs hitherto unfounded depths of sleaze.I don't know the particulars of the law in question. I'm looking into it.-AUPDATE: Th... Read more

Five reasons to be frightened of Sarah Palin

 1) She's a global warming denier.2)  She thinks that God likes pipelines,  (h/t Juan Cole)3) She has a whole lot in common with fundamentalists from other parts of the world.4) She's a liar.5) She believes the war in Iraq is God's work.And there's more, believe me. I didn'... Read more

Nice to be back

 Was on vacation. It was good. Read more