Recent Blog Posts

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Website Errors

In the past week, the KBOO website has experienced a few hiccups of data loss, some of which we have been able to recover.  The lastest episode happened sometime in the past few days and you may notice that some of the webpages you were working on have lost their recent edi... Read more

The Decider

 Apropos of my post below, Obama is planning to review the plethora of onerous executive orders issued by President Bush: President-elect Barack Obama is poised to move swiftly to reverse actions that President Bush took using executive authority, and his transition team is... Read more

Back from the brink

 While I'm still processing the full import of Obama's win -- I'll blog about it more later -- one very, very encouraging item that's popped up is his intention to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. From Spencer Ackerman:   Less than a week after his election, and more than... Read more

Mobilizing While the Time is Right

This has been an incredible week! In Portland, within a half and hour after the polls closed on Tuesday, voters began loudly celebrating the election of Barak Obama. As a 42 year old woman, I can say that I have never seen an election night like this. With cars honking, peo... Read more

KBOO on Face to Face

Earlier this year KBOO Outreach Coordinator Toni Tabora Roberts and volunteer Trillium Shannon appeared on the Portland Community Media program, Face to Face. Watch and enjoy. Read more

Food For Thought And Action: Springboard Social Innovation Forum

Listen to Radiozine on Tuesday, November 11th at 10:00 a.m. My guests will be Amy Pearl, Executive Director of Springboard Innovation and Katherine Ball, Organizer of the Social Innovation Forum. Springboard Innovation, a Portland-based nonprofit, sponsors the forum as part... Read more