Recent Blog Posts


117--NEWS--Poster/Brochure/Schedule back from printers

Hi gang,The poster/brochure/schedule is back from the printers.  You will find both sides attached.  Kathy Fors did a lovely job.  Thank you Kathy.  750 were printed.  I'd like for every participant to get one (and please just take one for yourself).  I'm assuming that over... Read more

112--NEWS/CALL--VIDEO--Emergency Alert to artists working in VIDEO

Hi Gang, Bill Dodge, who is coordinating our audio/video simulcast, has suffered a double whammy of computer break-down and family crisis. If you are a participant who has entered (or planned to) your work on video for the simulcast you will need to contact Bill by phone t... Read more

109-111--CALL--audio tracks available only to those signed up on email list

these are audio tracks which have gone out for additional material to be added by musicians and audio artists ... unavailable until festival when they will be aired.  Read more

Electronic Cabaret!

On the Air August 31st, 9pm-12amBasic Info:Please show up at least an hour ahead of time (8pm) for setup.  You're welcome to bring refreshments and guests, but please let me know how many are coming with you so we can make sure everyone fits!Music Format and Equipment Setup... Read more