Join hosts Jack Bohl, Gordy Euler and Jonathan lay for the annual Gales of November program. The show features songs of storms and shipwrecks, ranging from the Pacific Northwest, to Newfoundland and beyond, and of course the Great Lakes. Oregon coastal stories in song include the shipwrecks of the Peter Iredale and the New Carissa.
Artists in this episode include: Shifty Sailors; Lee Murdock; Brownsmead Flats; Fairport Convention; Scrod Pudding; Bruce Molsky; Tom Lewis & QFTRY; David Francey & Mike Ford; Shanghaied On The Willamette; The Mainlanders; Gordon Lightfoot; The Wellingtons; Kathy Mattea & Dougie MacLean; Craig Edwards; Bob Zentz; and Stan Rogers.
- The Wreck of the Peter Iredale (Oregon Historical Society, The Oregon History Project) -- Shipwreck at Clatsop Beach, near Astoria Oregon, October 1906
- “New Carissa 21 years later: napalm, a torpedo and 70,000 gallons of spilled oil on the Oregon coast” (The Oregonian, Feb. 4, 2020) -- Shipwreck at Coos Bay, Oregon, February 4, 1999
- Brownsmead Flats (Facebook page) - "Crabgrass" musicians of the Oregon Coast. Astoria & Brownsmead, Oregon.
- Craig Edwards (New London, Connecticut): Alone on the Wide Wide Sea - album released August 2022
- Lee Murdock - music and stories of the Great Lakes
- The Original Transatlantic Sessions 1 (video) - includes Kathy Mattea & Dougie MacLean performing "Ready for the Storm"
- The Fateful Journey of the Emund Fitzgerald
- The Story Behind Gordon Lighthfoot's Famous Edmund Fitgerald Song