DJ FU and Radio Lost & Found bring you even more forgotten Punk hits!
Fun show! I really love doing shows with my pal FU. He's got an insane amount of energy. He doesn't do a lot of radio shows, so when we get together, it can get nuts.
And get nuts it DID. We had some kind of weird equipment malfunction in the air room which completely discombobulated us for a good chuck of the show, but we did it.
A note about the sound quality: There's a persistent buzzing, clicking throughout which you really only hear when we're both blabbing on mic. It's not quite as distracting during the music, as it's sort of appropriate listening to old school punk rock. Think of it as a noisy punk cassette. Know what I mean?
Anywhos, hope you like this show!
Rich Set 1:
Dead Moon - Poor Born
Dils - Class War
Really Red - Modern Needs
Negative Approach - Nothing
Eyes - Disneyland
Ed Gein’s Car - Too Old To Die Young
Dicks - Hate Police
Black Market Baby - Potential Suicide
Eddie & The Hot Rods - Do Anything You Wanna Do (RIP Barrie Masters)
Eddie & The Hot Rods - Teenage Depression
Eddie & The Hot Rods - Quit This Town
DJ FU Set 1:
The Obituaries - Our Demons
Pell Mell - Nothing Lies Still Long
Rebel Truth - All I Know
Crucifix - Annihilation
Flipper - Nothing
Fang - Skinheads Smoke Dope
OFF - 503
Wasted Youth - Fuck Authority
Germs - What We Do Is Secret
Dead Kennedys - Police Truck
The Avengers - We Are The One
No Alternative - Johnny Got His Gun
Rich Set 2:
The Tubes - I Was A Punk Before You Were A Punk
Destroy All Monsters - Bored
The Business - Harry May
Cyanide - Your Old Man
Menace - Electrocutioner
Thee Headcoats - Youngblood
Thee Mighty Caesars - Lie Detector
Pink Fairies - City Kids
Larry Wallis - On Parole
The Dickies - Nights In White Satin
DJ FU set 2:
Bikini Kill - Suck My Left One
Tribe 8 - Manipulate
Lucy Stoners - Soiled Princess
7 Year Bitch - Dead Men Don’t Rape
The Specials - Rudi, A Message To You
Selector - Too Much Pressure
The Bodysnatchers - Too Experienced
Agnostic Front - Fascist Attitude
The Clash - Justice Tonight/Kick It Over