The world of punk rock is pretty small, considering how many miles there are between us. Of course, with the advent of the internet we are more connected than ever, but the punk scene has a strong international tradition, through record swapping, tape trading, and pen pals.
We just got the NERVOUS BREAKDOWN demo sent to us. They're from East Jakarta, Indonesia. We're excited to share a few songs from the demo with you! Here's their story:
NERVOUS BREAKDOWN was shaped in march 5th 2006 created by three pieces young & depresive musician who sick and tired with the whole world that they lived about.
they were Oyi ! (bass,vocal), xeno (guitar) and Freddy (drum) and then Tommy came in and took the Bass Positions and Oyi ! Becoming a single vocal
NB play in several stages before they record their first demo in october 2007..
and the formations is no longer settle they always take a turn position of each other depending on their mood and situation
their first demo created 14 songs that they called as a "new dogs on the block" and they sell it only if they have a show performance in CD-r format with high quality print colour they sell it less than $1 in such as guerilla ways which mean they dont sell it openly and freely
very introvert and strange..what a freak band they are. the demos have a well apreciation by underground public in indonesia or outside indonesia
just be a witness
The two songs are called Animal Angts, and Hardcore Sucks