

Rent Freeze & Relocation Assistance: Margot Black on More Talk Radio

Airs at: Mon, 02/06/2017 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for More Talk Radio
  "There are only two kinds of Portland landlords: those who want to be part of the solution to our housing crisis, and those who want to continue to take advantage of it via rent gouging and no-cause evictions that only serve to displace our community while increasing the... Read more

Donald Trump said the "election is rigged."  Greg Palast says, Donald should know because his buddies rigged it.

Airs at: Thu, 02/09/2017 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
  Greg Palast joins Voices from the Edge on KBOO during our Winter Membership Drive to discuss his fearless work in uncovering the organized attacks on voting rights and how he's detailed the stolen votes of a million American citizens since the 2000 election.   Greg Pala... Read more

Under-reported Stories, Fake News & Environmental Racism

Airs at: Wed, 02/01/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
  Guest co-hosts Nolan Higdon and Desiree McSwain, and senior correspondent Michael Levitin, open the program with a discussion about several recent under-reported stories. Then the talk turns to "fake news," as Chase Palmieri and Jared Fesler explain their web site -- Tri... Read more

The Holy Crowley Hour, Or Two

Airs at: Mon, 01/30/2017 at 10:00pm - Tue, 01/31/2017 at 12:00am
Produced for The Holy Crowley Hour
On tonight’s show, we explore outer space, which is looking pretty attractive right about now. Our guest is Christopher Hart, creator of the sci-fi podcast Exoplanetary. The podcast follows four members of the Wolverton family as they travel the solar system for a giant cor... Read more

Voices from the #INAUGURATE The Resistance Mass Protest at Trump's Inauguration

Airs at: Mon, 01/30/2017 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Produced for Radiozine
  Voices From the #Inaugurate The Resistance Mass Protest at Trump's Inauguration...Gerald Horne on Trump's First Week in Office, Including Threats to Voting Rights, Mexico, China and the Environment.  UNHEARD VOICES FROM THE ONLY PERMITTED PROTEST AT THE INAUGURATION OF D... Read more

Positively Revolting on 01/27/17

Airs at: Fri, 01/27/2017 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Positively Revolting
The new regime has had quite a busy week.  Ani and Lyn review some of what they've been doing, and some of what the people have been doing in response.  And even as the world is certainly on fire, we must remember to take care of ourselves and each other.  How do we work w... Read more

INSANE CLOWN PRESIDENT: Matt Taibbi on Presswatch

Airs at: Thu, 01/26/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Presswatch
  “Trained for decades to be little more than good consumers, we had become a nation of reality shoppers, mixing and matching news items to fit our own self-created identities. We rejoiced in the idea that reality was not an absolute but a choice.” —Matt Taibbi, from INSAN... Read more

Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine

Airs at: Mon, 01/09/2017 at 11:30am - 12:00pm
Produced for Radiozine
  Obama Break with Netanyahu's Settler Expansion Too Little, Too Late; Trump and his Cabinet Nominees Pose a Grave Threat to Civil Liberties; Rising ocean temperatures due to climate change are bleaching & killing many of Earths vital coral reefs. Featuring Richard Silver... Read more

Alternative Radio: Medea Benjamin

Airs at: Tue, 01/03/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Alternative Radio
  Medea Benjamin is a renowned peace activist and social justice advocate. She travels around the world and documents human rights violations. She's co-founder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK. She is the recipient of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Prize from the Fellows... Read more

Black Power at 50 in D.C.

Airs at: Thu, 12/29/2016 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Flashpoints
  Part 4 of our series, Black Power: 50 Years in DC, Nineteen Sixty-Six to Two Thousand Sixteen, marking the half century anniversary of the call for Black Power in this country in 1966. Today, a wide-ranging conversation with educator and activist Tom Porter about his vie... Read more