Film at 11


Coming Soon

In a sentence: A panel broadcast reviewing the latest films and shows from the multiplex to the arthouse and beyond.
Film at 11
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In a sentence: A panel broadcast reviewing the latest films and shows from the multiplex to the arthouse and beyond.



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Every Friday from 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Panel reviewing the latest films, from the multiplex to the art houses to the
Northwest Film Center, and streaming films.  Occasional special shows for
seasonal or current events.

Focus is on the artistic merit of the films, and the implied consumer
function, but political and social content will be discussed as well.

Our culture is pervaded with screens, big and small.  Movies and TV shows are
among the most-accessed popular arts.  This is true across all modern

The show is unique in the Portland area, to our knowledge.
It will conform with the programming charter, as an arts service.


Photo by Matthew Clark

Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)



Topic tags: 
KBOO Stream 1
Program status: 

Film at 11 on 03/22/19

Airs at: Fri, 03/22/2019 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Produced for Film at 11
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Panel reviewing the latest films, from the multiplex to the art houses to the Northwest Film Center, and streaming films.  Occasional special shows for seasonal or current events. This week, we will talk about Us, the new horror film by Jordan Peele. Also discuss the 1940s... Read more