ACORN Protest against foreclosure auctions


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Air date: 
Mon, 05/11/2009 - 5:00pm


Protesters gathered at the County Courthouse in downtown, yesterday, to protest the auctioning off of foreclosed homes.
A representative for multiple banks has been auctioning off foreclosed homes to anyone who will show up, every Monday at 10:00.
But this week, protesters showed up to disrupt the proceedings.
KBOO volunteer Al Bradbury was at the protest, and describes the scene.

The group of protesters included citizens whose homes have been foreclosed, members of local anarchist housing collectives, and members of ACORN.

Amy Olin, Head Organizer for ACORN Oregon, describes some of the problems faced by people who’s homes are in foreclosure.
Currently, homes that aren’t bid on at the courthouse auction are returned to the banks.
Banks then usually evict the people living there, and leave the houses empty.
A bill currently being considered in the Oregon Senate would mandate mediation between banks and people facing foreclosure.
Olin says ACORN plans to continue protesting the courthouse auctions, until that bill is passed.

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