A critical look at Elizabeth Warren, with Jacqueline Keeler and Jenni Monet (Laguna Pueblo)


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Air date: 
Wed, 01/09/2019 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Jenni Monet
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Jacqueline Keeler
Debate over Warren's ethnicity continues to overshadow real issues in Indian Country

As Elizabeth Warren steps up her run for the presidency in 2020, questions continue over her claims to Native ancestry and how she has handled the controversy. But as undisputed Native journalists, leaders and spokespeople continue to be called upon to weigh in on the question, real issues facing Indigenous people and nations are overlooked and ignored. 

Regular second-Wednesday co-host Jacqueline Keeler (Portland-based Dineh/Yankton Dakota writer and activist) joins Paul Roland in the KBOO studio, along with telephone guest Jenni Monet, award-winning journalist and tribal citizen of the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico who writes about Indigenous rights and injustice in the U.S. and around the world. She is also executive producer and host of the podcast Still Here. Check out her personal website here.

Monet is pictured at top, Keeler below.

Recent article by Monet for Yes! Magazine on the Warren issue:


Rebecca Nagle's article on Elizabeth Warren:


Photographed by: Tim Pierce / CC-BY 2.0An article defending Warren:


Piece by Jacqueline Keeler on her blog from last fall:


Other relevant articles and links:



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