Portland Off-Road Cycling Revisited: Breaking Ground and Forest Fights


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Air date: 
Wed, 11/02/2016 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
New opportunities abound at Gateway Green
We revisit the Portland Off-Road Cycling Plan while Gateway Green breaks ground, Forest Park remains contentious.

This episode we revisit the Portland Off-Road Cycling Master Plan to see what developments (or impeadments) have cropped up in the past year. While some see Portland as the Nirvana for cycling, we're sadly lacking as a city for off-road opportunities. Most Portlanders have to drive an hour or more to mountain bike. In the past year fights have gotten personal over Forest Park, ground is breaking at Gateway Green, each examples of neighbors taking initiative. We'll be joined once again by Michelle unec-North, Project Manager for the Portland Off-Road Cycling Master Plan for the City of Portland to fill us in on what changes have come, studies have been done and feedback has been gathered in the last year that will take us one step closer to having a completed plan, as well as two members of the Portland Off-Road Cycling Committee, Carrie Leonard and Michael Whitesel. Also joining us is Tom Archer, Board Member and Master Trailbuilder for Gateway Green, Portland's first Off-Road cycling focused park that broke ground just last week. If you care about riding your bike in nature, this show is for you.

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