NEW in KBOO music library July 8, 2013



New in KBOO music library July 8, 2013


Moon HoochMoon HoochHornblowAlt Rock
PedaljetsWhat's In BetweenElectric MothAlt Rock
Inrving, BrianRadiant ThingsSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Bad CopThe Light On EPSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Baby AlpacaBaby Alpaca EPAtlas ChairAlt Rock
Pollard, RobertHoney Locust Honky TonkGuided By VoicesAlt Rock
Windy HillLonesome Garbage ManSelf ReleasedBluegrass
Run Boy RunSo Sang the WhippoorwillSelf ReleasedBluegrass
Malone, TommyNatural Born DaysMCBlues
Hicks, Dan and the Hot LicksLive at the DaviesSurfdogRegular Rock
Disco QuatroDisco Quatro EPInsect QueenElectronica
Western Front and Toody ColeWestern FrontSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
V/AFight On, Your Time Ain't LongMississippiCountry and Western
Gebru, Tsege MariamSpielt Eigene KompositionenMississippi/ChangeAvant Garde
Guild of Funerary ViolinistsThe Art of Funerary ViolinSelf ReleasedAvant Garde
GurdjeffImprovisationsMississippi/ChangeAvant Garde
Overstreet, Rev. LouisAn Evening With Rev. Louis Overstreet With His Guitar, His Four Sons and the Congregation of St Luke Powerhouse Church of God in ChristTraditionGospel
Haack, BruceThe Electronic Record for ChildrenMississippi/ChangeElectronica
Adkins, HasilEvening Shadow RoadNero's NeptuneAlt Rock
Androids of MuBlood RobotsFree LoveAlt Rock