Fairy tales have long been way of communicating cultural memes and mores; a portal to imagination, and with imagination comes vision and change. Exterminating Angel Publisher Tod Davies asked Danbert Nabacon, founding member of the anarcho-punk band Chumbawamba, to perform the daunting task of crafting a "Fairy Tale for Adults of All Ages". It's a story of a princess named Stormy and her quest (I simply cannot tell you what that is, no spoilers), but I will say that on the way she kills three princes, but it's their own fault, honestly. Please join Ani, Lyn, Danbert, Tod, and audio producer Erin Yanke for a conversation about "The Three Dead Princes" and how through a collaberation with Nobacon and a handful of inspired producers, editors and voice actors, the audio book came to be.
Please join Ani, Lyn, Danbert, Tod, and audio producer Erin Yanke for a conversation about "The Three Dead Princes" and how through a collaberation with Nobacon and a handful of inspired producers, editors and voice actors, the audio book came to be.