Race and Recession



imageThe current recession is not an equal opportunity crisis. People of color are experiencing job loss, foreclosures and lack of healthcare at alarmingly higher rates than white Americans. These disparities are not a coincidence but rather the result of structural barriers that have been taking a toll on people of color long before the subprime meltdown.

Seth Wessler, an analyst with Applied Research Center, believes the same structural causes of racial disparity are also at the root of an economic crisis affecting all Americans. In his recently released Race and Recession: How Inequity Rigged the Economy and How to Change the Rules, Wessler presents the numbers as well as the personal stories that reveal the root causes of racial inequity and proposes the path to an inclusive recovery. This Thursday, Jo Ann and Dave will talk with Wessler about his findings and recommendations.

The conversation doesn't end when the program does. You can join in additional discussion of the week's issue on our blog at kboo.fm/voicesfromtheedge (click on the "blog" tab). You'll find additional information, important links, comments from other listeners and commentary from Jo Ann and Dave. Have a question for our guests, but can't call in during the program? Post your questions on line to become a part of the Voices discussion.