Host Jay Thiemeyer interviews local activist Kari about the March and Rally focused on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and their role in the corporate corruption of our democracy.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 29th, Rally at 11:30am, March at 1pm
WHERE: March begins at Waterfront Park at SW Naito and SW Ankeny
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is comprised of the world's largest corporations. ALEC operates in the shadows with a behind-the-scenes role crafting pro-corporate legislation, partnering with state legislators to pass these laws, and then profiting directly from those laws - a cycle that exemplifies the dominate role of corporations in our democracy.
The goal of the protest is to see an end to ALEC and the role big corporations have in corrupting our democracy. The American Legislative Exchange Council is seen by protesters as the chosen tool of the 1% and the wealthiest corporations in the world to craft legislation that serves their interests.
March and Rally against the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - TODAY!!!
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Air date:
Wed, 02/29/2012 - 12:00am
March and Rally against the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - TODAY!!!
Episode Playlist
Time11:00ArtistThe DiskordsSongLife During WartimeAlbumBlame it on the kidsLabelVinyl Warning
Time11:01ArtistDYSSongMore Than FashionAlbumWolf PackLabelTaang!
Time11:02ArtistThe Gun ClubSongSleeping In Blood CityAlbumDanse kalinda Boom - Live From Pandora's BoxLabelMega Disc
Time11:03ArtistInocentesSongMiseria E FomeAlbumMiseria e FomeLabelDevil Discos
Time11:04ArtistBikini KillSongThis Is Not A TestAlbumYeah Yeah YeahLabelKill Rock Stars
Time11:05ArtistDischargeSongThey Declare ItAlbumRealities of warLabelClay
Time11:06ArtistScratch AcidSongThe Final KissAlbumGod's Favorite DogLabelTouch and Go
Time11:07ArtistGuantanamo BaywatchSongBoomerengaAlbumSpilt w/CyclopsLabelPortland Mutant Party
Time11:08ArtistNo ProblemSongSomething To SayAlbumParanoid TimesLabelHandsome Dan
Time11:09ArtistDead KennedysSongInsightAlbumKill The PoorLabelCherry Red
Time11:10ArtistCareer SuicideSongleft with nothingAlbumsignals EPLabelSlasher
Time11:11ArtistMiddle ClassSonginsurgenceAlbumout of vogueLabelBorderline
Time11:12ArtistBlitzSongrazors in the nightAlbum45LabelNo Future
Time11:13ArtistBannlystSong4000 dode barnAlbumDem Ikke Lure DegLabelbootleg
Time11:14ArtistAutopsiaSongruptura anarquicaAlbumpode represion y corrupcionLabelpasajeros del horror
Time11:15ArtistVaccuumSong1st song, second sideAlbum2nd EPLabelself released
Time11:16ArtistCut SickSongdullAlbumfraudulent little fuckers EPLabelaarght!
Time11:17ArtistAmsterdamnedSongmelting potAlbumepLabelgummopunx
Time11:18ArtistThe 9th Ward Marching BandSongHalloween BeatAlbumSneakin Up the StreetLabelRhinestone Records
Time11:19ArtistSuburban LawnsSongMy BoyfriendAlbumMy BoyfriendLabel
Time11:20ArtistKilling JokeSongWardanceAlbumWardance epLabelMalicious Damage
Time11:21ArtistElectric EelsSongThouroughly ModernAlbumwho cares?Label
Time11:22ArtistThe ExSongDallas Texas 1988AlbumViva Umkhonto!LabelMordam
Time11:23ArtistWild Weekend!SongPsycho SurgeonsAlbumDo the Pop!Label
Time11:24ArtistCyclopsSongI Have One EyeAlbums/tLabelMutant Rock
Time11:25ArtistHystericsSongHanging out at the 512AlbumepLabelm'lady
Time11:26ArtistTotalitärSongklass inte rasAlbumklass inte ras EPLabelprank
Time11:27ArtistPoison GirlsSongPersons UnknownAlbumsplit w/ CRASSLabelCrass Records
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Time11:29ArtistEd Schrader's Music BeatSongRatsAlbum45LabelLoad
Time11:30ArtistAtentadoSongtodo esta oscuroAlbumTodo Esta OscuroLabelcrust as fuck/discosenfermos
Time11:31ArtistProject XSongStraight-Edge RevengeAlbumepLabelschism
Time11:32ArtistOlho SecoSongmuito obrigadoAlbumepLabelNada Nada
Time11:33ArtistCrazy SpiritSongthe world is not my homeAlbumi'm dead epLabelToxic State
Time11:34ArtistSubhumansSongOut of LineAlbumVancouver IndependenceLabelFriends Records
Time11:35ArtistLo TekSongRunning Dog/World GoneMadAlbum10-29-79LabelTrap
Time11:36ArtistThe PetticoatsSongNormalAlbumNormalLabel
Time11:37ArtistSwell MapsSongAnother SongAlbumA Trip To MarinevilleLabelSecretly Canadian
Time11:38ArtistThe LemonheadsSongI Don't WannaAlbumHate Your FriendsLabeltaang
Time11:39ArtistQuintronSongShoplifterAlbumSwamp TechLabel
Time11:40ArtistAlley CatsSongnothing means nothing anymoreAlbumEPLabelDangerhouse
Time11:41ArtistXSonghomeis where the floor isAlbumepLabel540/rock and roll blitzkreig
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