April First pushed a few buttons. And here on Air Cascadia we plan to keep right on pushing. Joining us in the effort, Tre Arrow and Samantha Chirillo with Rising Tide report on the pranks designed to chip away at the cracks in the system. Roots and water, water and roots weather Walls and Streets where the worst crimes against average citizens are committed every day. Parse that, eh...'Wall',? 'Street'? Walls and wars have always chased one anothers' tails: China, Berlin, occupied Palestine, the Mexican-American border: A million lines in the sand lost to time and wind. Walls keep nothing in, nothing out; everything in, everything out. They serve only to underline suffering. This is the human community, remember. When people feel they need protection, it is usually because they know that they themselves have in some way become a danger to others. The only difference between a 'Danger' and 'Protection' is the wall itself.
As for 'Street', there are the ones that are paved with gold, some that lead to ruin and still others have become home to the Earth's dispossessed, hearth to the Eternal Refugee.