Elections 2020: A Conversation with Circuit Court Judge Candidate, Adrian Brown



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Thu, 10/01/2020 - 5:45pm to 6:00pm
Adrian Brown


"What does the word 'court' mean? Is it the four corners of the courtroom? Or is it a process? -- It’s both, and one of the things it’s missing right now is that the court doesn’t see itself beyond those four corners."

Adrian Brown is running for Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge, District 4, Position 12.

Brown has been an assistant US Attorney in Oregon for the past twelve years, and served as the department’s civil rights coordinator. She has worked with cases involving the state’s mental health system, Portland police practices, and accessibility. Before that, she worked for seven years as an attorney in the US Air Force.

Brown is running against Rima Ghandour in the November 3, 2020 elections.

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