The Covid Class War



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Air date: 
Wed, 04/15/2020 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Co-hosts Sara and Jonathan join Paul
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Yesterday's COMMON DREAMS News\Views carried this report. Even unsecured debts in default can be debited by the lender from a direct demand\deposit account that receives EBT (Electronic bank transfer) funds. The snake swallows its tail...
Published on
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Common Dreams
'Beyond Predatory': Trump Treasury Department Gives Banks Green Light to Seize $1,200 Stimulus Checks to Pay Off Debts

"The Treasury Department is pointing out opportunities for banks and debt collectors to steal Americans' relief checks out from under them."
Jake Johnson, staff writer

All debts on a banking lender's books are considered "assets" in a banking business model and rarely noted in the plethora of business indoctri-nation broadcast programs where most U.S. citizens get what little they seek in the way of vital National Security information. Where every week is THIS WEEK ON WALL STREET or PLANET MONEY or MARKETPLACE or FREAKANOMICS or BLOOMBERG BILLIONAIRE BID-NET NEWS or BUSINESS INSIDER or FORBES. Where there has never been regularly scheduled Public Interest programming from the perspective of the vast majority of U.S. Clock Punchers a la a WAGE SLAVERS WEEK.

Even unsecured loans like credit cards and personal lines of credit can be repossessed via direct account debits by the lending bank. Recall that Obama-Biden-Geithner and the Federal Reserve Central Bank enacted Quantitative Easing 1 and 2 after the Bush-Cheney-Paulson TARP bail-outs to CITI CORP, JP MORGAN CHASE (allowed to buy up the nation's largest mortgage lender in WASHINGTON MUTUAL), BANK OF AMERICA (allowed to buy up MERRILL LYNCH) and WELLS FARGO (allowed to buy up convicted narco-money laundering WACHOVIA BANCORP) to increase access to funds after these tax-payer bailed out lenders refused to increase small business lending. That was the economic mitigating factor behind the bi-partisan duopoly's reason for violating classical economic and Cold War objections to corporate bail-outs.

In Cold War and Cold Warrior mass mediated and academically reinforced terms 'Central Banks' were a Communist and Socialist Command Economy concept demonized by Washington's MIGHTY WURLITZER gray propaganda academic and mass media apparatus. Such "Market Interventions" were used as a causus belli for Washington's arming of regimes as dictatorial as Indonesia's in the 1970's or Chile thereafter. Except when Richard Nixon's administration intervened during their first administration to freeze all prices and wages when economic inflation became a political liability and triggered by the OPEC oil-producing nations like intimate Washington allies the Saudis via the Washington-Riyadh trans national partnership dba ARAMCO. Now Washington has remade itself via environmentally suicidal Corporate Welfare programs like fracking into an OPEC nation too!

Quantitative Easing 1 and 2 by Obama-Biden was enacted by our Central Bank after we were told by the Obama-Biden administration and cabinet of Wall Street apex predators that the TARP tax-payer bail-outs were all repaid and that the U.S. government even made a profit from the rebound of the bailed out and even more consolidated and concentrated monopoly trans national banks.

Community Media should be following up. As your Portland Assembly Wednesday Morning KBOO Talk Radio remote and quarantined activist-analysts Sarah and Jonathan were questioned by a caller this morning wondering when a Yellow Vest sustained street protest will break out in the U.S. as rocked France's daily lives for most of the past six months. Having the one-time token $1200.00 electronic transfer into the DDA accounts of all who filed taxes and received returns in 2020 debited immediately by any bank to whom you may also have a credit card or personal line of credit account in default sounds like a trigger.

Search You Tube for interviews and talks with the conductor of the Economic Mighty Wurlitzer during the Cold War, Milton Friedman and his University of Chicago "Market Democracy" cohort for the concept of "helicoptering in money" to destitute masses in America once the off-shore hoarded and bank secrecy non-audited reserve currency dries up via deflationary spirals like Japan has experienced over the last 2 decades.

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Shifters and Song Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa
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