The recent Montavilla Neighborhood Association election had probably one of the highest turnouts and more controversial election nights in Portland history. Several months of contention over an MNA Resolution against homeless sweeps, rumored neighborhood connections to notorious "Alt-righter" Joey Gibson (who announced and then withdrew his intention to attend the election meeting), the formation of the "Montavilla Initiative" to oppose many of the sitting board members, the Board candidacy of Micah Fletcher (who survived a serious knife wound in the Max train homicides) and other excitement brought out several hundred local residents and outside observers.
In the end, none of the Montavilla Initiative candidates won and a number of young, first-time candidates (including Fletcher) were elected to the new Board. Like many Portland neighborhoods, houselessness and gentrification remain major (and divisive) issues in Montavilla.
Joining host Paul Roland in the studio are re-elected MNA. Board members Jonathan Ogden and Jonnie Shaver, along with newly elected Briar Rose Schreiber. Schreiber is a software engineer and community organizer. They have served on the board of Stumptown Syndicate for 2 years (one of which as president). Schreiber says "I ran a campaign on a platform of mutual-aid, solidarity, and direct action." Shaver will be serving their third term on the MNA board. In that time they served as the Social Media Coordinator, Housing & Homelessness Coordinator, and as Board Chair for one month. Shaver spent the last year specifically focused on bringing neighbors together to address issues of homelessness in Montavilla, through mutual aid, and community collaboration.
Ogden is a current student of Electrical Engineering (Systems Minor) and served as President of the previous Board. He ran on a platform of "All Neighborhood Power to the People."