Clergy and People of Faith March for Justice



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Air date: 
Mon, 08/28/2017 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Clergy and People of Faith March for Justice 2017
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Rabbi Kolodny at Rally 2017
Religious resistance to the Trump agenda

Rabbi Debra Kolodny and the Rev. Tara Wilkins of the Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance are our guests. They will talk about the mobilization of clergy and people of faith to resist the Trump's administration  domestic and foreign policies and the religious traditions advocating for social justice.

 On Monday, August 28th, 2017, one thousand ministers of all denominations will convene in Washington, D.C. to reaffirm their commitment to the social justice movement and stand in solidarity with the spirit and legacy of Dr. King, on the 54th anniversary of the March for Jobs & Justice. The event in Portland will bring together Clergy and People of Faith of all traditions to recommit to being at the forefront of justice and civil rights, to call into accountability President Trump, Attorney General Sessions and all public officials, and to return to its rightful place in the words of Dr. King as the "headlight" in the struggle for justice. We are calling on religious leaders from ALL religions and community leaders to join us.

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