Broadcasting with gratitude, sorrow, and love from the rightful lands of
Cowlitz, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, Tualatin Kalapuya,
Wasco, Molalla, Ita'xluit, Watlala, and other original peoples of the big river
This is Kay Bee Oh Oh 90.7FM Portland's community radio
I'm your unhoused neighbor, Jeremy and this show’s called Oh Gee Pee Oh Gee
Where we’re celebrating the return
of salmon, honeybees,
And sun eating leaves
here in the midst of our Spring Drive
where we invite You
dear listener
to become a member, too
Only ten percent actually do
But I believe in you
and that you believe in building community
or else you wouldn't resonate with this beautiful, strange thing our community is cocreating
So please,
If you're ready to invest in what's important to you it need not be much or even ongoing,
whatever you feel is fair
just visit BIT dot L-Y Slash K-B-O-O.
or text the word kboo to 4-4-3-2-1
and technology
will guide you from there.
I'm grateful to all who do and grateful too to just be here with you
At the top of the show
We just heard a brand new track
from hometown hero Haley Johnsen
A Portlander who first came to prominence in the national spotlight of competitive singing
She did our city proud then and has only continued to grow into her talents.
From Haley Johnsen that was
Maybe I Should
A title that's a phrase and not quite an answer but opens the door for one anyway
In many cultures this is a time for opening and closing doors,
There are the inner doors whose hinges will not swing easy and so the will must first be gathered and then consciously applied.
For today is Mohini Ekadashi,
a Hindu vrat or fast to honor lord Vishnu
By closing the door of the mouth and eating not a crumb
the observant exercises Will and so their willpower grows in strength
as prayers carry into the night, and through it
For Jews it is Shavuot, celebrating the feast of seven weeks
when out of doors and with weary feet
the covenant was made through Moses
on the mount
For Christians it is Pentecost–fifty days since Easter,
when the apostles moved through their mourning and grief
and with bevied spirits rolled back their own stones,
opening the door on the destiny awaiting each one.
By the mesoamerican Long Count today carries the spirit of Mazatl,
the nahuatl word for deer
and also the spirit of Mictlāntēcutli,
ruler of the underworld and as such this
is a good day
for both Hunter and prey to raise
awareness and be observant.
Which trail do you follow?
What tracks do you leave?
And by the secular calendar we are approaching
the end of May which means this is your last chance at a spring clean and with it an avoidance of upchuck summer
That's a good book for preparing your kids for summer camp
but also Upchuck Summer is what I call it
when the spring cleaning backs up across several winters
until you just can't take it anymore so you pick a semi sunny weekend
to vomit all of your accumulated clutter into the yard
and just set your pricing gun to gettonouttahyeah!
Or you could load up the jalopy and head to one of the many barter swaps
that happen frequently throughout the community.
Contrary to popular belief it's not just last season’s boots
for a previous generation’s tools
Just scan a few neighborhood papers and you'll find there are also food swaps,
hobby incubators, skill trades and all kinds of participatory access to variety.
There are even Frea Markets.
That's like a flea market where money doesn't change hands but goods still do.
And you'll meet some really nice neighbors to boot!
With more on that we'll start our first set with a track from eclectic artist, sleep singer, dream writer, and dedicated student of the universe Olivia Morreale who performs sometimes as Princess Liv but can't help but let the truth slip through too
So open the closet, roll up your sleeve
It's last call for a Spring Clean
On Portland’s member supported radio,
Kay Be Oh Oh
This is 90.7FM, KayBoo
And we're in the last week of our spring membership drive. Reminding you that we depend on the support of individual listeners for 80% of our funding
So please visit BIT dot L-Y Slash K-B-O-O.
or text the word kboo to 4-4-3-2-1 and join the mission. Thanks to all who do
In that last set we just heard one of my desert Island bands, The Church with the 4th track of their 1983 opus Seance, that was It's No Reason
Before that we heard
Ain't Necessarily So written by Nashville hit maker, singer songwriter, and survivor
Beth Nielsen Chapman
performed there by America's elder tokesman
the one and only
Willie Nelson
And we started that set with Spring Cleaning by the very talented Olivia Morealle
In this next set we'll be wishing some happy birthdays, if it is your birthday I hope it's been a good'n
You may already know that Malcolm X Shabazz was also born on this day May 19th, 1925 and had he not been assassinated at the age of 39 he would be turning 99 years old today
in a very different world from the one we instead find ourselves in now
From Malcolm we'll hear two brief speeches, the first recorded October 11th, 1963 at UC Berkeley with introduction from Herman Blake and the second excerpted from a documentary called The Struggle for Freedom filmed in London just two weeks before he would be assassinated in Manhattan
In between the two speeches Malcolm made the pilgrimage to Hajj at Mecca, an experience that profoundly changed him
how his stated goals evolve between the two clips
Right now on Kay bee oh oh Portland
You're on 90.7FM, KAYBOO
Home to great content curated by volunteers who live where you do.
We're your neighbors
and we care about you and your role in this wonderfully weird community we're cocreating together
and we understand not everyone has a lifestyle that leaves time for volunteering. If you can't join us directly you can still make an impactful contribution by visiting BIT dot L-Y Slash K-B-O-O
Robert Plant once gave $10,000 to KBOO so that we'd never ever play Stairway to Heaven ever again. Not saying you need to give a cool ten kay, but if you got that Led Zepp money there are worse ways
to spend it.
And hey Maybe you can't even afford eight bucks a month, there's no shame in that and the future's never been harder to forecast
but if you're currently flush
and can afford a few bucks
right now even that much
can cover some of the energy costs of our 10,000 watt transmitter.
Cuz it takes a lotta juice to kick out these-jams
Iike the ones in that last set, we just heard The Outsider by Shooter Jennings whose birthday it is today
Prior to Shooter we heard Hirie whose birthday it also is, from her we we heard a sugar shack session of You Won't Be Alone
And that followed Pars by Grace Jones, so happy birthday Grace, Hire, Shooter,
And happy birthday Malcolm X Shabazz
Who started out that set
In April of 1964 Malcolm made the hajj at mecca.
As an anonymous but beloved equal among many he momentarily forgot himself in the circle
In the mystery
In Allah
Malcolm returned
and returned again
Like hope becomes knowing
Or a cutting recalls from Dee En Ai
an ancestral memory way
to grow new roots from old scars
From Mecca
Malcolm returned to life
He announced his faith was his own and his friendship was for all. He declared the inaugural aim of a new secular, international organization devoted to securing basic human rights for every single human being, regardless of anything.
Malcolm X was just about to join hands with the poor of every nation when he was murdered.
Compare that with the reverend doctor Martin Luther King Jr who had announced just prior to his assassination a very similar declaration of unified intent to turn the civil rights movement into a human rights movement.
What do you think?
Presumably you are a human, or at the very least alive. Do you believe that being alive gives you an inherent right to continue being alive?
Remember that the right to life
is by no means a guarantee of immortality.
But a recognition that your existence
Do you believe that the child you were born as deserved all of the necessities of life?
Nourishment, hydration, housing, and care?
If the answer was yes then at any point in your life did this right to exist expire?
If the answer was no then I'm very sorry for what was done to you. You are loved, regardless. I'm beaming it to ya right now. If you don't feel it then breathe deep until you find again the jungen you once were and are still The one who scooted chairs to climb into closets and lifted logs to name bugs. The one who never stopped deserving love.
You are loved, and that precious child is there inside holding it all for you, waiting for you to ring the doorbell again, come in, and just joyfully play.
I believe you absolutely deserve whatever is necessary to your life, unto the current day
And beyond
The word necessary comes from the Latin Non Cessum meaning that which is not surrendered non cessum
That which is unyielded
We do not yield our right to basic human needs. We do not begrudge others their lives.
Your right to the natural treasury of the earth is equal to my own.
Consider that in the entire universe we are aware of only 32 billion acres of land where humans can stand for more than a few moments without dying. It is the land of Dhegom
The green hills of our one and only earth,
of course
and of our lonely planet’s land area approximately 16 billion acres of it are considered habitable i.e not a desert or glaciated, or both.
So let's do a little math
What is 16 billion acres
divided by 8 billion humans?
Correct, two is the answer
it is 2 acres per person, regardless of age, race, faith, or anything else. Your fair share of the common treasury of our one and only resource base is two acres of habitable land plus two and a half acres of the uninhabitable land
If everyone in your extended family joined their portions together how big would your territory be?
Today is the anniversary of the Homestead Act which makes this a great time to remind ourselves that for at least 23,000 years the lands of this continent were never surveyed, sold, or privatized. Instead they were occupied, cared for, and connected with.
The difference between the Indigenous ways of belonging and the European method of taking is the difference between Personal property and Private property.
Personal property is that which you physically possess or occupy. Private property on the other hand is that which you claim remotely through title or deed.
Physical possessor versus absent claimant.
The recent imposition of private property laws on Indigenous lands has never yet been justified through any ethic or rationalization. Nothing in fact beyond some reluctant hand waving toward the discovery doctrine of the 15th century
Catholic Church
it’s a doctrine declaring that the
“The only rights that Europeans will acknowledge are their own”
It's a doctrine that boils all the way down to
Might Makes Right
Just thirty years after the ink dried on the discovery doctrines the vatican walked it all the way back through dogma nullification
but that didn’t stop the US Supreme Court from choosing to balance the entire weight of its private property law on this nonsensical premise that the clumsy material maps made by ignorant outsiders
who arrived only yesterday
with foreign letters allegedly
arranged in such a way
as to somehow nullify
the natural rights of the people
who have occupied
the land in question
since long before the first letters
were ever carved on a shoulder blade
or pressed into clay.
What do you think?
Does every person born deserve a share of air, food, and other necessary resources?
Does your natural need for land give you a natural right to land?
Just some things to think about in this next set. Beginning with Fair Share by The Homestead Act
Right now on member supported radio
Kay bee oh oh
This is 90.7FM, KayBoo
And we're in the last week of our spring membership drive. If you value this programming then this is your invitation to join the mission
Just visit BIT dot L-Y Slash K-B-O-O.
or text the word kboo to 4-4-3-2-1
Thanks to all who do
In that last set we were considering the relationship between the right to life and the right to land
We just heard 40 Acres and a Mule by
Oscar Brown Jr. off his album Mr Brown Goes to Hollywood, released the same year that Malcolm X Shabazz was assassinated, 1965
Prior to 40 Acres and A Mule we heard Basic Human Needs by Ace of Cups featuring Wavy Gravy, the elder clown of peacemaking who recently celebrated his 88th birthday
Before wavy gravy affirming your right to basic human needs we heard Sweet Lullaby from Deep Forest, a track featuring a sample
of an early recording
of a traditional lullaby
in the Baegu language of the Solomon Islands. The vocalist their is a Baegu woman named Afunakwa
The lyrics translate as
“Little sib, little sib
Our mom and dad have died
And now live on the island of the dead
From the Island of the Dead they still
Watch over us like royalty
Watching over us with all wisdom”
Prior to Deep Forest we began that set with Your Fair Share by The Homestead Act
In this next set we honor all you elder goths
While considering
the natural consequence of withholding
natural rights
It's Type O Negative - Everything Dies
Right now on community supported radio
Kay bee oh oh
This is Kay Be Oh Oh Portland
We are member supported
community radio
and depend on listeners like you for 80% of our funding. We're here in the last week of our membership drive
So if KBOO is a valuable part of your routine and you're ready to promote from listener to member the ceremony for doing so is simple, dig?
Go to KBOO dot ef em forward slash give
Put some bread in the dish
then dance with delight at fulfilling a wish
and you'll be in good company, there.
And hey if you're not in a posish to do so we understand, I'm unhoused myself so thank you not just to all who do but all who would
In that last gothy set we were saying
thank you and goodbye
with Gary Numan at The End of Things
Prior to which was Annie Lennox with Love Song for a Vampire
Chasing the shadow of Snuff by Slipknot
Who were looking back at Pictures of You by the Cure
And that followed a beautiful song called Sing by Blutengel
Prior to which we shared a Perfect Day with Lou Reed
Let's recap, shall we?
On tonight's show we learned that when the lands of our planet are divided equally that each and every one of us gets four and a half acres
We celebrated the Hindu fast of Mohini Ekadashi, Jewish Shavuot, Christian Pentecost, and the births of Malcom X Shabazz, Hirie, Grace Jones, and all of our neighbors who were born on this day
And we also learned that the word necessary comes from the Latin Non Cessum which means Unyielded. What is necessary to your life can never justifiably be withheld from you. Non Cessum, necessary
Well I've enjoyed spending this time with you and as it draws again to a momentary close
I wantchoo to know
That you are an important part of this community, and I'm glad we're neighbors.
If you’d like to learn more about what we heard, read a transcript of this show or just have another listen you can visit Kay be oh oh dot ef em, click the three horizontal lines on the right hand side, select audio then search the list of programs for Pee Oh Gee
Now that's spelled phonetically
Papa Echo Echo,
Oscar Hotel,
Golf Echo Echo
that's how ya spell…Pee Oh Gee!
Or we can bump into each other again from twenty to twenty two hundred hours the third Sunday of every month
Going to see us out now with tracks from Rell The Sound bender and another Peter Steele
But first remember friends
What privatization denies
Life itself justifies
And so
All those who live understand
There are no necessities
without access to land
Until next time,
Be Well; Do Good