On this edition of Free Culture Radio: De Facto or De Jure.
The drug war is fundamentally unsustainable. We keep throwing more and more money into the effort, made all kinds of minor repairs to the system to try and keep it going like treatment alternatives to incarceration and drug courts, we even legalized weed in a lot of states, all to try and keep the underlying mechanisms of prohibition and drug war rolling along. Yet it’s still failing.
So on this edition of Free Culture Radio we look at a growing trend that’s been spreading across this lovely bit of northern Abya Yala that’s referred to colonially as the United States. That trend is de facto drug decriminalization. The NYU Center for Opioid Epidemiology and Policy hosted a seminar on this recently which was presented by Doctor Saba Rouhani, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the NYU School of Global Public Health. Her presentation was entitled “You Don’t Get Well in a Cell”: Examining the Design, Implementation and Impacts of De Facto Drug Decriminalization Policies in the United States.