Great New Acoustic Music
On Pastures of Plenty this week (January 24, 2024) we feature some great new music from Toronto. With a lineup that includes standup bass, fiddle and hypnotic banjo (and no guitar!!), the Lonesome Ace Stringband combines an old time stringband sensibility with compelling original material. We showcase their latest album, "Try To Make It Fly" as well as their latest single "Praying for Rain", which documents the devastating Canadian wildfires. In addition, we've got a couple of tunes from banjoist Kelly Hunt's "Ozark Symphony", one of the most well-rounded albums of Folk music to appear in the past year. Out of Nashville comes Erin Rae, with her great new album "Lighten Up", including a duet with Kevin Morby called "Can't See the Stars".
So tune in and check it out. (Wednesday, January 24th 5:30 am to 7:00 am on KBOO.FM and on the FM dial at 90.7). The show will be available to stream on the KBOO website after airing.
There's folk music every Monday through Friday morning from 5:30 till 7:00 on KBOO 90.7, followed by news Democracy Now. There's also folk music on KBOO Fridays from noon to 1:30 Movin' On.
Track Title Artist
1 Sweeter Sound Lonesome Ace String Band
2 Sally Ann Kristin Scott Benson
3 Red-Winged Blackbird David Francey
4 So Danged Lonesome Kathy Kallick Band
5 Ozark Symphony Kelly Hunt
6 Dark Holler Amythyst Kiah
7 Calvary Mandolin Orange
8 End Of the Day Leela Gilday
9 Modern Woman Erin Rae
10 Now You Know Anais Mitchell
11 Old Cook Pot The Squirrel Hillbillies
12 You Make Me High Kelly Hunt
13 Simply Going Sideways Lonesome Ace String Band
14 Fisher Kristin Scott Benson
15 Lo Soul Roddy Woomble
16 Annie's House David Francey
17 Praying for Rain Lonesome Ace String Band
18 Can't See Stars Erin Rae & Kevin Morby
19 The Ditching Boy Solas
20 Guadalupe Linda Ronstadt;Los Lobos & Chieftains
21 My Honey Lou Kathy Kallick Band
22 First Frost Blue Grouse Lonesome Ace String Band
23 Star Shine The Milk Carton Kids
24 Again Carolina Story