Bill Resnick interviews Dianne Feeley who has fought her whole life for worker power, not just for a bigger piece of the pie, but for real participation and decision making in a society in which democracy is not confined to occasional elections but is nourished in daily life. She started as a member of the Catholic Workers movement, living in their community home when she wasn’t jailed for civil disobedience. In her forties she went to work on the Ford and then General Motors assembly lines, organizing on the shopfloor to democratize and radicalize a union that had become friendly and cooperative with the companies. This year the dissidents won the UAW national election and immediately were challenged to wage a fight for a new contract that will expire later this month. Bill Resnick interviews Feeley on the contract struggle that promises to be bitter and crucially important to all manufacturing workers. Already a strike has been authorized by 97% of the voters. Feeley is the author of Leon Trotsky and the Organizational Principles of Revolutionary Party and hundreds of articles on labor organizing.
Image by Clyde Robinson, licensed under Creative Commons: https://www.flickr.com/photos/crobj/3101811175