Operating under the misapprehension that most people take vacations in November, Self Help Radio this week is a show about vacations. Or perhaps the show needs a vacation? Are vacations a thing anymore?
Certainly host Gary seemed a bit on vacation, as the show only had two guests (travel correspondent Orville Francis & a friend of the host's named Don) & even had the temerity to re-run a segment from a previous show (resident cinephile talking about movies featuring tourists, from earlier this year)! However, popular vacation destinations were discussed, & the Urban Dictionary was consulted to find out what kinds of new vacation idioms the kids were using - from "vacationship" to "vacation constipation." Plus all the songs in the first hour were simply called "Vacation." If that is a plus.
All in all, it might be better to pack your bags & take a few days off elsewhere. But if the only vacation you get in November, then Self Help Radio's vacation show will have to do.