Twenty Third Annual Cascade Festival of African Films



23rd Annual Cascade Festival of African Films

KBOO is a proud sponsor of the 23rd Annual Cascade Fstival of African Films: Africa Through African Lenses

February 1 - March 2, 2013. Thursdays Through Saturdays only.

Opening Night, Feb 1st at the Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd - 6:30 pm

All Other Films: PCC Cascade, Moriarty Arts and Humanities Bldg room 104, 705 N. Killingsworth

Free and open to the public on a first-come, first-seated basis

The majority of films were made by African directors. The films celebrate Africa’s achievements, expose Africa’s failures, and reveal the possibilities for change and a more hopeful future. They show us pictures of Africa through the eyes of Africans, rather than a vision of Africa that is packaged primarily for western viewers. The films represent African concerns that are political, historical, and social. This year’s films cover a wide range of themes and topics, including: liberation, freedom and justice; elections and democracy; self-expression through the arts and music; education; sports; health and healing; the search for identity; family and community; and women’s independence.

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 In the croudy hollywood films and the directors a few films from other places make their way to glory. As for Africa, they really need a boost go on. Blog about movies online.