Jan 22 - From the Inaguration forward - Community Conversation



Joanne Zuhl interviews Helen Thomas, legendary White House Press Corps bulldog about the responsibility of the Press in the new administration.

And we invite you to call in to join the discussion on how we move forward after the inauguration buzz wears off.

We open a discussion on the most urgent civil liberties issues of the moment.

Shape the discussion beforehand by emailing wtpkboo@gmail.com or join the public discussion on the KBOO website:


Call us during the show: 503-231-8032

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Helen Thomas, dean of the White House press corps, takes her seat after recovering from a long illness in the Briefing Room at the White House
12/11/2008  Photographer:  REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
Courtesy of Street Roots and the Street News Service

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Patrik Kilpatrick's picture

For the Jan 22nd show, we want to find out what concrete actions we can take as civil actors to move our government in the direction we want it to move.

Cautious Optimism is what a lot of us feel about an Obama administration - and many of us have already felt disheartened by moves Obama has made: Rick Warren giving the benediction, a distanced stance on the Gaza invasion, Dennis Blair as Director of National Intelligence.

But, we also know, that freedom is never given, it must be taken. And it's Obama's job to execute the will of the people. And it's our job to make our will known. If we want to go from the Worst President in History to the Best President in History (and even to the cynics.. why not?), what do we do, day to day, living in our communities to make it happen.

Please, post your questions, thoughts and concerns, and we'll try to address them on air.