Peace Rally and March Marking Eighth Anniversary of US Invasion of Iraq


Peace Rally

KBOO is a proud media sponsor for a Peace Rally and March Marking the 8th Anniversary of the US Invasion of Iraq

DATE:  Saturday, March 19, 2011
TIME:  12:30pm Music  /  1:00pm Rally  /  1:30pm Peace march
LOCATION:  Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW Yamhill & Broadway, downtown
Portland, Oregon


On Saturday, March 19, 2011, there will be a march and rally to mark the 8th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, tying the nation's failing economy to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Eight Years in Iraq -- Nine Years in Afghanistan: How is the War Economy Working for You?"
will take place at Pioneer Courthouse Square (SW 6th and Yamhill) in Portland, Oregon, and feature music, speakers, and a march through downtown Portland.

The rally is set to begin at 1:00 PM with the march at 1:30 PM; music will begin at 12:30 PM.

Topics to be covered by the event include:

--End the Wars and Occupations--Bring the Troops Home Now
--Fund Jobs, Healthcare and Human Needs, Not the War Machine
--Stand for Civil Rights at Home and Abroad
--Take Action!

Preliminary cosponsors include Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity
Group, Veterans for Peace Chapter 72, Iraq Veterans Against the
War-Oregon, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, Portland Labor for Peace
and Justice, the Portland Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. , Peace
Action Group - First Unitarian Church Portland, Military Families Speak
Out-Oregon, Portland Area Rethinking Schools, Alliance for Democracy -
Portland Chapter, East Timor Action Network/Portland, pdxjustice Media
Productions, KBOO 90.7 FM Community Radio (, Economic Justice
Action Group of the First Unitarian Church, and others.

Endorsers include Portland Jobs with Justice, Freedom Socialist Party,
Veterans for Peace Chapter 72, Iraq Veterans Against the War-Oregon
Chapter, War Resisters League-Portland, Metanoia Peace Community-United
Methodist Church, Northwest Veterans for Peace, Little Light of Mine
Friends Worship Group, Women in Black, No War Drum Corps, Sisters of the
Road, and others.

For more information or for your organization to get involved, contact
Peace and Justice Works at 503-236-3065. To arrange for interviews with
event organizers or speakers, please call (503) 888-7455.

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