Host Joe Uris hosts today's show, with a wild and wooly topic list.1)
Colwood Golf Course near the airport is up for sale. Some people want to
put an industrial park there, but the surrounding neighborhoods want open
space and badly needed parks. Read the actual Land Use...
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How do we restore our civil liberties? What would this country look like if
habeas corpus was restored or if the FBI was restricted from spying on
Americans? What does it mean to have a free press? We discussed this live
on the air on September 11th for a special, call-i...
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How do we restore our civil liberties? What would this country look like if
habeas corpus was restored or if the FBI was restricted from spying on
Americans? What does it mean to have a free press? We discussed this live
on the air on September 11th for a special, call-i...
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Eric Lichtblau is the Justice Department beat writer for the New York Times
newspaper. He and his partner in writing, Jim Risen were the recipients of
the 2006 Pullitzer Prize fpr national reporting for their story that revealed
the secret, warrantless wiretapping program ...
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On Presswatch, as part of KBOO's September 11 special, "The War on Liberty",
host Theresa Mitchell inteviews Marjorie Cohn, president of the National
Lawyers Guild, and author of Cowboy Republic and Rules of Disengagement.
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The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001
changed the lives of many Americans. None more so than Muslim-Americans, who
were subjected to a wave of hostility not seen since Japanese-Americans were
targeted following the bombing of Pearl Harb...
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Hosts Abe Proctor and Joe Uris start out with a discussion on the current
situation beween the US, Georgia and Russia. Then they change gears to
examine the new Sweetheart of the Republican Party, Sarah Palin.
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On the Sept 4 Presswatch, host Theresa Mitchell gives us the news we're not
supposed to know on the protest arrests at the Republican Convention, U.S.
raids in Pakistan and more.
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Host Linda Olson-Osterlund interviews Jane Mayer about her new book The
Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned Into a War on
American Ideals. The book reveals how a small group of extremists inside the
White House the Pentagon and the CIA took over Am...
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