Help Promote @KBOO on social media!



This is how you can help your radio station! These are standard 

It's KBOO's Membership Drive!


Can you help spread the word?

Support your community radio station today by clicking donate, and by getting the word out through social media:

Share this link!

Like and tag: @KBOO on Twitter, @KBOORadio on Instagram and Facebook.

Here are some images you can use to promote our 2021 End of Year Drive!

Hashtag: #supportKBOO 

Click here to send a Tweet

Share on Facebook


Here are some hashtags to use as needed: #supportKBOO #PDX #Portland #Radio #joinKBOO #CommunityRadio #TuneIn #kboo #give #mictothepeople

Show Specific: #localnews #journalism #peace #justice #democracy #HumanRights #SocialChange #resistance #PrisonRadio #labor #lgbtq #feminist #GenderQueer #TalkRadio #IndependentMedia #IndyMusic #HipHop #alternative #bluegrass #jazz #WorldMusic #gratefuldead #edm #reggae #dub #deejay #LiveMusic #blues

Sample text for social media (speak from a personal perspective):

I joined KBOO because ........  Won't you join me in supporting local, independent media?

Because of KBOO I learned .........

I'm a supporter of KBOO because .....

You can also download and use these images (click through for the full-size images):

Testimonial memes - feel free to use and post:

Erika - True Vine
Katie - XMas Gifts
Steve - News
Terri - Donate

Animated Gifs for Radio

The pink animated radio
Lady dancing ... radio
Toe tapping ... radio


Sample Tweets (please copy and paste these into Twitter, and add your own thoughts too!):

  • I support #communityradio & hope you will too. Join the @KBOO community today #supportKBOO
  • In times like these, independent #communityradio is more important than ever! Please join me and #supportKBOO
  • I am a proud supporter of @KBOO community radio! Join us in celebrating #communityradio: #tunein & #joinKBOO !
  • .@KBOO is important to us. We encourage everyone to listen & #joinKBOO, especially during these strange, uncertain times
  • .@yourorganization <3's @KBOO. Join us in supporting #communityradio! #supportKBOO
  • .@KBOO nurtures a thriving live music scene, highlighting local artists year round! #joinKBOO today! -

What/when to write on Twitter:

  • On Twitter, you can ‘live-tweet’ your show with playlist info and guest information - be sure to add the handle @KBOO somewhere in the tweet (just not right at the beginning).
  • Tweet your upcoming show a day in advance, then an hour in advance of the show you are trying to promote.
  • Send tweets with excerpts from your shows, not just the final product but quotes or topics you’re covering - tag any guests, musicians or other folks on the show. Also, once the audio is up on the KBOO website, post a link to it!
  • Post photos of you (or your guest!) with a tweet that says “Long live community radio. Yay @KBOO” or something clever that always includes KBOO’s handle (@KBOO).
  • Peak times for Twitter are 8 - 9 am, 12 -1 pm and 5 - 6 pm -- so if you are able to promote your show during those times, it is more likely to be seen. That said, it is always that time SOMEWHERE in the world, so keep that in mind as well (ie. if your show is on at midnight, it’s 8 am in Europe, and you may have Twitter followers there who are looking for something to listen to!)


Sample Facebook posts:

  • Did you know that @KBOORadio is one of the oldest and most revered #communityradio stations in the country? This gem of a station is member-supported and 100% independent. #supportKBOO.
  • You count on @KBOORadio to keep you informed about local activist groups and their activities - before, during and after actions. KBOO offers broadcast access to activists shut out of mainstream media. KBOO hosts encourage exploration of radical approaches to problem solving, and making the world a better place. And KBOO counts on the #community to support the station!

What/how to post on Facebook:

  • Like KBOO’s posts! All of them. From your personal or show accounts. Please!
  • From your personal or show accounts: Repost the KBOO pages’ posts whenever you can. If they don't appear on your feed, go to the KBOO Facebook page and see whatever is posted there, then like and comment on it! Do this rather than rewriting the post yourself - the posts will go farther into our networks if you SHARE the KBOO page’s posts rather than make a new one yourself.


On Instagram, post pictures from inside the studio and out in the field, include the phone number, and tag @KBOORadio #supportKBOO #joinKBOO #thankyouKBOO and add your own reason for supporting community radio!

Thoughts on Posting Photos:

  • Take photos! Use your own phone or ask your staff person for the KBOO phone.
  • Post them to your own Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Vine, Snapchat and/or Tumblr
  • Tag @KBOO and your guests on the photo
  • Ideas for photos: A screenshot of you and your guest on a Zoom call, a picture of your home studio setup ....



