This week we focus on our featured artist TEBRA dropping some new music this week. We will be featuring his music and an interview along with a conversation from Seth at Banyan Global Learning. Tune in from 8-10pm to get the whole scoop this Tuesday 10/20/20
Tebra is the new project behind which stands Milojko Micha Jaric, better known for projects from PsyTrance genres such as Freaked Frequency and Molok. After years of experimenting with various music genres, I have come up with the idea of making a fusion between world music and deep house. The first EP will be released at the end of October 2017 for the newly-founded Ritual Records based in Serbia. Stay tuned for more !
Banyan Global Learning:
We are an innovative collective of teachers who collaborate with passionate and invested change-makers at districts and schools to push the boundaries of education. In 2008, we launched Classroom Live to reinvent what it means to be a classroom teacher. Immediately we saw what creative use of technology can do for student engagement and outcomes. Soon after, we expanded our suite of authentic educational experiences to include teach abroad services, curriculum development and professional development. Today, we tailor curriculum to your students’ needs to provide meaningful solutions responsive to our globally connected society. Your students receive 21st century skills that prepare them to live, work and succeed in the information age and beyond. Traditional classrooms operate within the limits of physical space. Expanding learning beyond a classroom can extend learning opportunities and outcomes. During school closures, interactive educational opportunities can create authentic connections.
The solution is to connect teachers and students who would otherwise never have access to one another. BGL’s online learning programs and support make learning possible even in the most uncertain times. Our teach abroad opportunities broaden perspectives of teachers and students alike.