7 am to 8 pm on Friday October 12th
The best of KBOO’s news, talks and interviews: In this special day of programming KBOO presents authors, activists, analysts and idealists who look beyond the current political rhetoric to the real basics of what it will take to build a better world from the local, national and international perspectives. Positively Revolting kicks off the day at 8 with Thai Jones, author of MORE POWERFUL THAN DYNAMITE: Radicals, Plutocrats, Progressives, and New York’s Year of Anarchy. Other speakers and interviewees will include, economist Richard Wolff, author of the new book, Democracy at Work: a Cure for Capitalism; peace activist Colonel Ann Wright on the international effort to focus attention on the inhumane conditions in Gaza; Greg Palast on How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps and much more.
Schedule for the day:
7 am - Democracy Now!
9 am - Greg Palast: Billionaires and Ballot Bandits - How to Steal an Election in Nine Easy Steps
10:30 am - Peter Dreier on "The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century: A
Social Justice Hall of Fame"
11:30 am - Col. Ann Wright: breaking the blockade of Gaza
12:00 pm - A People’s Economics Bootcamp with:
- Richard Wolff - the most prominent Marxist economist in the US
- Paddy Hirsch (Man vs. Markets)
- Anat Shenker-Osorio (Don't Buy It: The Trouble with Talking Nonsense about the Economy)
- The producers of the film 'Heist: Who Stole the American Dream' - The producers write about their motivation for the film, "As the economy was crumbling before our eyes, we felt an even deeper urgency to explain how it happened and to address the fundamental institutional and political changes that had taken place over a period of decades in the U.S. which had created a bubble economy. Beginning with the infamous Powell Memo of 1971, which called for corporate interests to prevail above all else - through the support of Republican and Democratic administrations alike - millions of manufacturing jobs were outsourced, organized labor was decimated, industry was widely deregulated, and tax policies were implemented that favored corporate interests and the elite. The underlying idea of HEIST is that knowledge is power, and that social change comes from the bottom up."
4:00 pm - Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman - get your tickets to see Amy Goodman in Portland on October 25th by calling 503-232-8818 with your $75 KBOO membership
5:00 pm - The incomparable locally-produced KBOO Evening News
6:00 pm - Bread and Roses welcomes Portland author Polina Olsen to discuss her new book, Portland in the 1960's: Stories From The Counterculture.
7 pm - Treasures from the KBOO Archive:
- W.E.B. DuBois in 1964- sociologist, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist
- Paul Robeson in 1958 – Civil rights activist, singer and actor
Help KBOO preserve this and many other treasures in our archives by donating to support the station.