Citizen Review Committee Sends Police Misconduct Case to City Council



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Air date: 
Wed, 11/28/2018 - 5:30pm to 5:45pm

On November 7, the Citizen Review Committee met for a "conference hearing" on a police misconduct case it first heard back in August. Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw was in attendance to present her own findings in the case--she agreed with the CRC on all but two of its recommendations on the allegations. The Chief and the CRC were able to compromise on one of those allegations, but the other one--that an officer retaliated against a citizen for filming police vehicles thus violating her First Amendment rights and Bureau policy--was a stickier issue. The Portland City Council will rule on that last allegation sometime in January--though it is unclear if it will be before or after new Commissioner JoAnn Hardesty is seated.

KBOO volunteer Sam Bouman has this report, with additional reporting by KBOO volunteer Kanani Cortez.

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