Sex, Sex Work, and the City; and the Prexy lashes out at trans people.



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Air date: 
Tue, 08/08/2017 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm



This week, I'll be talking with local sex worker activist and frequent Preference guest Red. We'll discuss how sex, sex work, sociality, and safety play out in urban environments. The starting points for our conversation: our own experiences, and Samuel Delany's essays on sex, public space, and urban changes in Times Square Red, Times Square Blue.

Also, KBOO program host (Transpositive) Emma Lugo will call in to give information about this week's Trans Vets Speak Out event; and former KBOO program host Sasha Buchert will check in from her perch in D.C. with Lambda Legal, to talk about the court fight to undo DJT's ban on trans military servicepeople. 

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