(Mostly Black) Citizens Barred from Portland City Council: Six Arrested



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Air date: 
Thu, 03/30/2017 - 5:15pm to 5:30pm
outside the Portland Building
A large group gathered outside the Portland Building in rememberence of Quanice Hayes

Six people were arrested yesterday, outside of City Council Chambers in downtown Portland, Oregon.

Citizens were assembled to draw attention to the Portland police killing of 17-year-old Quanice (Kwa-niss) Hayes and lack of transparency surrounding that case.

when supports and mourners of the slain youth were blocked from entering Council Chamber, they in turn blocked that door to everyone.

KBOO’s Joe Meyer was on the scene and begins his audio report with folks barring entry to Portland City council chambers



[Correction 3/30/17 7:11pm] Joe Meyer apologizes for referring to mayor Wheeler as erstwhile mayor Hales.

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