The Dark Tower



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Air date: 
Mon, 02/06/2017 - 11:30pm to 11:45pm
The Dark Tower

THE DARK TOWER:  When he rented a pricy apartment at the new Darth Vader building, at one end of the Burnside Bridge, little did he know what sinister secrets lay within. An eerie drama about the changing Portland landscape.

Ken Jones says:  I listened to this month’s Ubu Hour, and really enjoyed your Dark Tower sketch. Great satire of the class war in Portland, and the rest of the country for that matter. And oddly, the only logical explanation for that monstrosity of a building J

This radio drama originally aired on Febraury 6, 2017. Written and directed by Rolf Semprebon

When he rented a pricy appartment at the new Darth Vader building, at one end of the Burnside Bridge, little did he know what sinister secrets lay within. An eerie drama about the changing Portland landscape.   (Written and produced by Rolf Semprebon) - See more at:
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