1/29/17 - Letters to Trump: Protests at the airports; You will not divide us



Published date: 
Monday, January 30, 2017 - 12:30am


Resident Trump:

Your second weekend as President, once again rocked with protests – this time at airports across the country, demanding the release of family and friends whom you had ordered deported based solely on their country of origin/religion. See, a lot of us have a thing against discrimination based on religion or ethnicity. I know, I know, some Americans LOVE to discriminate against whole groups of people based solely on flawed and baseless stereotypes.

But most of us aren’t like that. The majority of people in this country (ie. Those who did NOT vote for you – since it was actually just 26% who did) are kind, decent people who judge people individually, not based on some un-founded over-generalization.

So your blanket ban on immigration from seven countries (four of which we are actively bombing – and none of which have had any involvement in domestic ‘terrorist’ attacks like San Bernardino and 9/11, the two you specifically mentioned in your order), followed by an interview in which you clearly stated that you will focus on banning Muslims from those countries, while letting Christians in, did not go over well with many of us. It’s weird how you keep referring to Da’esh (ISIS), albeit not by name, but when you keep saying “those people chop off heads of children”, I think that’s who you’re talking about, since Da’esh and some of their friends among the so-called “moderate rebels” the U.S. supports in Syria are the only ones carrying out such atrocities….but when you talk about them, and set executive orders based on their actions, you are doing the exact opposite of fighting Da’esh. In fact, your new executive order halting the entry of Syrian refugees will push children and families to the places where they barely escaped Da’esh. Essentially, you are forcing children back to have their heads chopped off by this brutal group.

It’s also extremely concerning how you just summarily dismissed two of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from regular briefings, and added in their stead Steve Bannon, who, while he may be smarter than you (and thus exerting undue influence on you), clearly has an agenda to “Make America White Again” and bring back racial exclusion laws that were done away with in the early 20th century because they were antiquated and regressive at that time.

You entered office a week ago with a popularity rating lower than any incoming President at any time in U.S. history. Now, with these moves meant to alienate and divide the nation, your ratings have sunk even lower. But for you, who knows nothing about governing and very little at all about politics and policy – but who knows a whole lot about ratings and bullying your way to the top (and stepping on anyone who gets in your way), the low ratings that would have pushed any other President to seek advice and change policy tactics will, in your case, lead instead to increased demagoguery and suppression of those who you deem your ‘enemies’.

We are not your enemies, Donald. We are a nation of decent, caring people who will not stand by as you attempt to divide us, to build walls against our neighbors and to exclude the weary, huddled masses yearning to breathe free who seek refuge here from wars that we ourselves have caused.