Tillicum Wawa show is promoting a drive for winter coats and boots for children K-12.



Pine Ridge Reservation children K-12 need winter coats and boots. Drop off at KBOO @8th & Burnside

KBOO's own Tillicum Wawa show is promoting a drive for winter coats and boots for girls and boys age K-12.

These children live on the snowy Pine Rdige  Reservation. They have been trying to get people to stop selling alcohol near their reservation and it has been fruitless so far. We can help them to keep warm this winter and help their cause to stop alcohol abuse on the reservation.. Listen to our archived show on 8- 30-12. about this problem.

Just drop off your donations to KBOO station at 8th adn Burnside. There is a bin to put them in.

We all thank you, our listeners, for your empathy and encouragement. Wado, Samantha King

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