Fall Membership Drive Ends Wednesday


A key to programming and other updates for the upcoming membership drive.

We've extended our Fall drive by a few days so we get as close to our $130,000 goal as possible. It's all over Wedesday at noon even if we don't hit our financial goal. KBOO raises its annual budget each year with contributions from our membership accounting for about 80% of that money.  It's important to do your part since you value KBOO. 

Donate here now  or call us at either (503) 232-8818 or (877) 500-5266 (toll free).


Our hosts and staff are producing numerous specials this drive featuring both news, public affairs and music.  This list of specials is in continuous flux, so check back often for updates.  Or just check our schedule by day.


KBOO October 2010 Fall  Membership Drive Specials    (Show me what's aired already)


Fall membership drive specials have already aired, click the links to get to a show's homepage to search for any available audio:

1st - Learn all about the music and life of the original Northwest 'boogie cat' Norman Sylvester on It Takes A Village.

1st - Community Grooves hosts a Latino leadership roundtable featuring three local leaders.

1st - Bread &  Roses looks at community resources and opportunities for adults and children with developmental disabilities.

1st - DJ Tronic plays classic electronic and dance music including Chicago house, rave anthems, early jungle choons and so much more on Plugged In.

4th - Listen to Anodyne this morning (really early) for an all-listener request rock block membership drive party.

4th -  Pakistani author, journalist and poet Fatima Bhutto joins Celeste Carey and Cecil Prescod on More Talk Radio to talk about her new memoir, Songs of Blood and Sword: A Daughter's Memoir.

4th - The Old Mole Variety Hour speaks with Diane Ravitch about her new book The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education.

4th - So what's up with the Sellwood Bridge (replacement project) anyway?  Tune in to Locus Focus to hear an update from Eric Miller of the Sellwood-Moreland Improvement League (SMILE).

4th - It's the music of Shockabilly on A Different Nature.

4th - If you missed Danbert Nobacon last Friday morning, you can still catch him tonight on Unherd, if you listen carefully.  He'll read from his latest book, 3 Dead Princes.

4th - Featuring over 93% new and original material, The UBU  Hour presents its Membership Special.. though what's so special about it, no one knows.

5th - Andrew Bacevich, professor of history and international relations at Boston University, retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of colonel.  He'll speak about his most recent book, Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War.

5th - Learn about new works from Whitebird Dance Company and the Eugene Ballet during Stage & Studio.

5th - Michael Knutson's exhibit at the Blackfish gallery is featured on today's Art Focus.  One set of paintings explores illusions of transparency and degrees of opacity, and are composed of two or three overlapping spirals of distorted six-point stars.

5th - Christine Havrilla and Jacob $hue return to Out Loud, your only source for locally-produced, community-created, non-profit, very queer radio, to play a whole bunch of music, including tracks off Christine's new CD, In My Chair.

5th - Tune in to Anjali & the Kid for 4 hours of mind-boggling singing, percussion, dance music, and orchestral soundtracks.

6th - Tune in for Lisa Loving's interview of Tom Englehardt, author of The American Way of War: How Bush's Wars Became Obama's. Tom created and runs the TomDispatch.com website.

6th - Hear Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, talk about the trillion dollar bailout of the too large to fail banks and how it relates to the underlying crisis caused by the private control of the US - and soon the world's - money supply.

6th - Wondering what's up with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Oregon's largest and most powerful bicycle advocacy group?  Then listen to today's Bike Show, since their new ED, Rob Sadowsky will be live in the studio.

6th - Circle A  Radio interviews representatives of a campaign calling for the firing of all police officers involved in fatal shootings.

7th - Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Case is a new book  by David Ray Griffin.  He dissects Harvard Obama appointee and Constitutional Law Professor Cass Sunstein's controversial 2009 essay and proposal for "cognitive penetration" of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and you can hear all about in on Presswatch.

7th - Ann Jones appears on Fight the Empire to talk about her new book War Is Not Over When It's Over: Women Speak Out from the Ruins of War, which investigates what happens to women because of warfare.

7th - Lisa Loving interviews E.E. King about her new book Dirk Quigby's Guide to the Afterlife: All You Need to Know to Choose the Right Heaven Plus a Five-Star Rating System for Music, Food, Drink, and Accommodation.

7th - Black Book Talk welcomes Jerald Walker to discuss his memoir, Street Shadows: A Memoir of Race, Rebellion, and Redemption.

7th - This Jamaica Nice is a joint production, featuring not only several KBOO reggae programmers, but numerous 'reggae heroes' including Peter Tosh, Bob Marley, Steel Pulse, Black Uhuru and others.

8th - News &  Public Affairs Day!  Looking for real social change and hope?  Then tune in early/often for lots of inspiration.

8th - John Lennon's 70th birthday!  Feel old?  Not to worry, this super-long special will have you singing and dancing until the sun comes up.

9th - Celebrating 15 years, the Grateful Dead marathon returns with sweet seventies soundboards.

11th - More Talk Radio speaks with Martin Hart-Landsberg, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, about how the economic crisis is affecting average Americans and how the economy could really be improved for all.

11th - It's Big Money and the Recession (Robert McChesney), Stadiums v. Schools (David Zirin), and Sleepless Money on the Old Mole Variety Hour.

11th - Cataclysms on the Columbia!!  What does this mean?

11th - If you thought last week's radio theater program was special (and how could you not?), then make sure you don't miss tonight's ExtraSuperMemberFundshipDrive Show.

12th - Today Alternative Radio will feature Alan Maass, editor of Socialist Worker newspaper, and author of The Case for Socialism.

12th - The Hillsboro Story, written and directed by Susan Banyas with original music by David Ornette Cherry, brings to life the not‐so‐distant history of school desegregation in the early years of the Civil Rights Movment on Stage & Studio.

12th - 4 hours of Thievery Corporation tonight on The Melting Pot.  Need we say more?  Yes in fact, since Dr. J will be playing obscure things you've likely never heard before, even if you think you know Thievery.  This is not to be missed.

13th - Hear David Barsamian from Alternative Radio on talk radio with Lisa Loving speaking about the media, U.S. foreign policy and the Obama Administration.

13th - David Korten talks about 'Why Wall Street Can't Be Fixed and How To Replace It.'

13th - Paw-paw, garlic, cover crops and maybe a mystery host.  All on today's The Dirtbag featuring Jim Gilbert from One Green World nursery.

14th - You've possibly heard of 'K' Street (lobbyist HQ) in Washington D.C., but what about 'C' Street where The Family, a shadowy religious organization, has their boarding house.  Hear Jeff Sharlett talk all about it on today's A Deeper Look.

14th - Diana Ross is among the most successful female music artist in history, with a total of 18 American number-one singles: 12 as lead singer of The Supremes and six as a soloist. Tune in to Guess Who's Coming to Radio for a listen to her career.

15th - Veteran's Voice welcomes anti-war activist S. Brian Willson, who served from 1966 to 1970 in the Air Force including several months as a combat security officer in Vietnam. He later became a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace.  In 1987, he lost both legs while doing direct action blockading a weapons train at the Naval Air Station in Concord, CA.

15th - Breast cancer awareness month is about more than pink ribbons. Listen to Bread & Roses for real ways to prevent and treat cancer, especially through nutrition.

15th -Tonight's Plugged In has DJ Tronic joined by Jaden and for two hours they'll be rocking out fresh new breakbeats, drum-n-bass, dubstep and more.

16th - Kick off your afternoon with our 4-hour blues and R&B special hosted by Shaheed and J.J.  This retrospective will feature blues, soul, and R&B from the Los Angeles days of the 1940s to Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta, Chicago, & points east.

16th - Listen to the Soundbox for an interview with Damian Grey A.K.A Trafek about his latest new album King Road Redemption.

18th - David Zirin wrote Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love and will discuss it on More Talk Radio.

18th - The Old Mole Variety Hour looks at how elections work in the US and at the connections between hard economic times and domestic violence.

18th - Kathleen Stephenson interviews Leslie Marmon Silko, a former professor of English and fiction writing and the author of novels, short stories, essays, poetry, articles, and filmscripts. She was the youngest writer to be included in The Norton Anthology of Women's Literature, and her work is primarily concerned with the relations between different cultures and between humans and the natural world.

18th - Hear Mark Bittman, a New York Times columnist and bestselling authorof The Food Matters Cookbook: 500 Revolutionary Recipes for Better Living, on Healthwatch.

19th - On Alternative Radio today, you can hear Stephen Bezruchka on 'Dying Younger Than We Should' in which he looks at results from the US  health care system versus those elsewhere.  Mr. Bezruchka is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington.

19th - Stage & Studio features Olga Sanchez, artistic director of Milagro Theatre, the Northwest's premiere Latino theatre.

19th - On today's Art Focus, guest host Tom Cramer speaks with artist Esther Podemski about her new documentary "The Peasant and The Priest" which addresses how globalization manifests in two aspects of Italian life today: the passing of traditional farming techniques and the increase in enforced prostitution. 

20th - Lisa Loving speaks with Mickey Huff, co-author of Project Censored’s Censored 2011: The Top Censored Stories of 2009-2010. Hear details about the most under-reported stories the corporate media ignore.

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I am really irritated that those of us who already committed to a sustaining membership in the past are not able to take advantage of any of the rewards that you offer people who are calling in pledges.  We have to endure these membership drives just like everyone else.  I'm cancelling my sustaining membership and going back to donating once or twice a year.

<p>All monthly sustaining donors are allowed (and encouraged) to claim a thank you gift up to the level of their annual contribution.&nbsp; Simply call in to the membership drive and tell the phone answerer that you're a sustaining monthly donor requesting a thank you gift.&nbsp; It's helpful if you know how much you contribute annually to make it easy for the phone answer.&nbsp; </p>

giving for the mission and the music
if I want trinkets i can go to target.    though..... a bumper sticker would be nice

<p>do come in any time, Trinity, and get a bumper sticker ~ we're always glad to see everyone</p>

<p>CLICK the tip jar at the top right of the screen and give a donation, become a member, of the oldest independent community radio station in the country, KBOO. Or call in if you are listening online or on the radio and give $5.00 a month on an electric funds transfer monthly. Help keep what may be the last bastion of free speech alive and growing, KBOO. Your voice of freedom in a sea of corporate owned media. Do it now, KBOO needs your support. Without it, it wouldn't be KBOO, who receives no government funding at this time, no corporate grants, no underwriting from wallmart or adm. Do the right thing, give a little, every dollar helps.</p>