Medical Delegation Reports on Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
Physicians for Social Responsibility Members Speak about their Recent Trip
Host Marianne Barisonek speaks with Gerri Haynes and Laura Hart about the health threats they witnessed on their January 2011 medical delegation visit to Gaza. Portland nurse practitioner Maxine Fookson, a member of Jewish Voice for Peace, is also a guest.
Gerri Haynes is a palliative care nurse consultant who has taught mental health classes in Gaza and organized trips to the Middle East since 1992. Gerri is a past president of Washington PSR and a former National PSR board member.
Laura Hart is a board member and past president of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. She is a part time urologist and a full time social activist who is collaborating with Gazan health care providers to develop comprehensive pelvic health care for women in Gaza.