KBOO is a proud sponsor of the 2010 Portland Anarchist Bookfair
December 11 and 12
Saturday : 11am - 6pm | Sunday : 12pm - 5pm
The WaterHeater : 750 N Fremont
Featuring dozens of anarchist booksellers, publishers, zinesters, artists, organizations, and projects! Two full days of workshops, a variety of other activities, free child care, and a serious selection of snacks.
Participating Organizations
AK Press
Portland Anarchist People of Color
Black Rose Infoshop
Corvus Distribution
Eberhardt Press
Entangled Roots / Dandelion Distro
Hip Mama
Industrial Workers of the World
In Other Words
Institute for Anarchist Studies
Just Seeds Art Collective
Laughing Horse Books
Matt + Maggi Support Committee
Microcosm Publishing
Parasol Climate Collective
PM Press
Portland Books to Prisoners
Portland Zine Symposium
Radix Media
Revolutionary Rumors Distro
Rosehip Medics Collective
Seattle Solidarity Network
Updated 12/1/2010. This is only a partial list of events. Check back soon for full descriptions and schedule!
11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Digital Security with Hackbloc
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm | Kyriarchy, Intersecting Oppressions, and Confronting Discrimination in Radical Liberatory and Leftist Communities
Presented by Northwest Anarchist People of Color. What is kyriarchy, and how can we use this concept in our organizing work? How do members of radical liberatory/leftist communities privilege certain kinds of oppression over others? How do members of radical liberatory/leftist communities replicate among themselves the same patterns of oppression that they oppose outside of their community? What is the role of people of color in the anarchist movement? How do we protect ourselves from racism inside and outside the movement? Is it possible to organize around marginalized identities without promoting hegemonic constructions of those identities?
Join Northwest Anarchist People of Color for a presentation and discussion on all of these topics. This discussion is open to all. We seek to develop a nuanced understanding of the ways in which privilege and oppression are woven together, and would like to encourage attendees to identify their own forms of privilege and be ready to check them in this safe space.
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Organizing in the Anthropocene : Presented by the Parasol Climate Collective
The ongoing industrial revolution has brought us into a new geologic era, the anthropocene, in which human activity influences the environment on a geologic scale. This presents a challenge to people working for radical change: how do we fight injustice, ease suffering, and build a better, freer society in the midst of a worldwide ecological crisis that is difficult to understand?
In this workshop, members of Portland's Parasol Climate Collective will present a brief overview of expected climate change impacts around the globe, and here in the Pacific Northwest; followed by a facilitated group discussion of the implications of climate change for radical political work, and ideas for prefiguring climate solutions.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Striking-Based Self-Defense: Presented by the Muay Thai, Boxing, and Self Defense Class
As radicals we seek to address and confront an oppressive system while building in its stead egalitarian relationships. In this regard, self-defense is necessary on a social, community and personal level. On a day to day level many of us are on the recieving end of oppression, as well as potential and real violence. Many of us are also dedicated to calling out, stopping and addressing oppressive behavior. We will be more able to call people out, to have conversations, tense situations, and verbally de-escalate situations if we cultivate an ability to defend ourselves.
This class teaches from a background of Muay Thai and boxing. We will learn a few basics strikes and some evasions. Come prepared to move around and get some exercise. These movements will only become real life reactions if we commit them to muscle memory through repetition.
This class strives to create a safer-space. We realize that true safer space is a process of self and community work and growth and we seek to engage in it. Come prepared and open to think critically about violence, self defense and all the things tied to it. Please come prepared to check your shit and focus on creating a caring space where we learn together and take care of one another.
We also have free classes every Monday at Autonomy (316 nw 4th) from 6-8pm!
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Have you Written your Political Prisoner Today?
Members of Oregon Jericho will discuss the importance of remembering our captured political prisoners and prisoners of war, from the early days of Black liberation to the recent Green Scare. The workshop will focus on gaining a stronger interest in the political prisoner movement in the Portland/NW area and the various local resources and strategies for prisoner support. Copies of Jericho's recently published booklet, Our Forgotten Political Prisoners with Cases in New York State, will also be available.
Noon - 1:30 pm | Keeping the Peace Without the Police
This workshop that explores some of the ways that stateless societies maintain social peace and prevent excessive violence. In it we will debunk the myth that we need police, hear about some of the real life societies that function without a state, explore specific non-hierarchical techniques for keeping and reestablishing peace, and have an open discussion on concrete courses of action for our various communities.
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Why Anarchists Should Create Solidarity Networks
Seattle Solidarity Network (SeaSol) is a direct action group that you can join to fight back against bosses and landlords when they do something like steal your wages or your damage deposit. By supporting each other and winning these small fights we build our strength, experience and confidence, we can take on bigger opponents and take back more from the bosses - and we start to realize that we can do far more than that - we can create a new world!
Join members of SeaSol in a workshop and discussion about why we think building solidarity networks in every city is the first step towards building a real anarchist movement based around people's daily experiences and fighting back against the ruling class.
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm | Balkanization from Below: Anarchism in Yugoslavia and the Balkans
This workshop with address the history, present, and future of anarchist organizing in the Balkans, and especially in the region of post-Yugoslavia. By contrasting two forms of balkanization, one from below, and one from above, the workshop will focus on the realities of grassroots resistance in postwar, ethnically divided, and foreign occupied countries of former Yugoslavia. Presented by Andrej Grubacic.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Of Friends & Whirlwinds: Contemporary Radical Currents in the United States with the Team Colors Collective
Explore contemporary radical currents with Kevin Van Meter of the Team Colors Collective, Malav Kanuga of Bluestockings Books (NY), and radical artist Julie Perini!
The Team Colors Collective's recently published book, Uses of a Whirlwind (AK Press), is an edited collection of more then thirty contributors. It's more than just a snapshot of current activity, organizing, ideas, and questions circulating among today’s radicals. It’s an opportunity for organizers, theorists, strategists, and movement elders to share and connect, to speak honestly of the challenges before us, to articulate new demands and possibilities in the ongoing war against state and capital. A short reading and presentation will be followed by a discussion period, and we ask participants to bring stories and reflection of their own organizing to the event.
Copies of Uses of a Whirlwind will be available, as will the recent Team Colors companion volume titled Wind(s) from below: Radical Community Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible; visit the collections website at: www.whirlwinds.info.
More Info: Anarchist Bookfair