KBOO is a proud media sponsor of Economics of Happiness
When: Friday January 21st, 2011
Time: 7-10PM
Where: Main Street Sancutuary, First Unitarian Church, 1011 SW 12th Ave Portland, OR
Cost: $15 suggested donation but no one will be turned away
The International Society for Ecology and Culture is happy to announce the launch of The Economics of Happiness - a feature-length documentary about the worldwide movement for economic localization. We are thrilled to have finally reached this point and are anxious to get the film out as far and wide as possible.
The Economics of Happiness demonstrates that millions of people across the world are already engaged in building a better world – that small scale initiatives are happening on a large scale. The film shows that these countless initiatives share a common goal of rebuilding more democratic, human scale, ecological and local economies – the foundation of an 'economics of happiness'.
One of our primary goals in making The Economics of Happiness was to create an engaging tool to help strengthen and promote this emerging worldwide movement for localization. To this end we are organizing a series of screening events throughout the world with organizations working on the issues covered in the film. Each event will also highlight local examples of a global movement of community-based initiatives dedicated to addressing the multiple crises we face.
View the film's website: http://www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org
View the film's trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkdnFYDbiBE
Become a facebook fan of The Economics of Happiness: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/The-Economics-of-Happiness/129994847035746?ref=ts
The Economics of Happiness on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EconofHappiness
The Economics of Happiness on WiserEarth: http://www.wiserearth.org/group/Economicsofhappiness