Special Programming: Public Affairs on 10/01/08



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Air date: 
Wed, 10/01/2008 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Confronting Peak Oil: Building a Sustainable Future

Confronting Peak Oil: Building a Sustainable Future

As we approach the end of the age of oil, and the reality of the climate crisis sinks in, more and more people are beginning to wake up to the fact that we need to change our ways, and begin building sustainable energy alternatives. We'll spend the day exploring those alternatives - people and projects who are working for change, places that have reduced their carbon footprint, a national agenda for addressing the crisis, and local initiatives in the Portland area.

Tentative schedule (subject to change):

8 - 9 Per and Sue host  - Framing the issue of Peak Oil - talk show with Antonia Juhasz and Richard Heinberg
9 - 10 Bike Show - This month the KBOO Bike Show explores how cycling is effecting Portland's economy and an inside look at Portland's upcoming hand-built bike show, the Oregon Manifest.  We'll have special guests from the Portland Development Commission, Alta Planning and one of Portland's very own frame building artisans
10 - 10:30 Amory Lovins on Electric vehicles 
10:30 - 11 Scott Forrester hosts - Local transportation planning and the future role of electric companies
11 - 11:30 Chris Andreae hosts - Steps backward in Oregon's approach to Peak Oil -focusing on LNG and the highway expansion of I5 'Columbia River Crossing'
11:30 - 12:00 Steps backward in the nation's approach to Peak Oil -Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen on bailout of auto industry -NAFTA highway (I69) and resistance
12:00 Per hosts - Current issues in peak oil -Tom Whipple (former CIA, now runs paper on Peak Oil)
12:20 Pete hosts - Economic overview - forum - Gail Lee Actuary - The Oil Drum -Herman E. Daly. Professor
1:00 Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization -Janet Larsen - Earth Policy Institute
1:30 The Great Turning -David Korten
2:00 The Post-Carbon World -Daniel Lerch
2:30 Ecocities -Peter Droege
3:00 Catherine Thomasson - Physicians for Social Responsibility
4:00 Despair and Empowerment - recording of Joanna Macy
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