Laurie Mercier speaks with Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco, about the new McCarthyism on college campuses and the extraordinary crackdown not only on student protests of the war on Gaza but against professors who are trying to teach about the context for the Oct 7 Hamas attacks. Zunes explains why college administrators and both Democratic and Republican parties are intent on suppressing the protests and free speech.
Zunes is author of hundreds of articles and books about Middle Eastern politics, U.S. foreign policy, nuclear nonproliferation, and human rights. Find more of his work here:
The New Assault on Academic Freedom - Progressive.org
The Chilling Effect of Equating Criticism of Israel to Antisemitism - Progressive.org
Senator Joseph McCarthy at National Portrait Gallery: Image via Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Senator_Joseph_McCarthy_at_National_Portrait_Gallery_IMG_4556.JPG