Oregon Election FAQ



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How do I register to vote?

You can register to vote online here. You can also complete this Voter Registration form and return it to your county elections office.​

What is the deadline to register to vote for the upcoming election?

The deadline to register online is the 21st calendar day before an election to be eligible to vote in that election.​

How can I check my voter registration status?

You can check your voter registration status and update your information online here.

How do I apply to get an absentee ballot?

Active registered voters receive an official ballot to complete and return. The ballot can be mailed or dropped off at any official drop box​​ ​across the state. 

If you will be away from your home address during an election you can fill out this form to request an absentee ballot.

What is the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot?

Absentee ballots are available 45 days before an election. More information here.

Do I need to show an ID to vote?

Oregon is a vote-by-mail state. When registering to vote, a voter must provide his or her driver's license or state ID card number. More here.

How do I find my polling place?

You can find your polling place online here.

These election FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) were produced by America Amplified, an initiative funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. America Amplified aims to support public media’s efforts to ensure that the American public has the information they need to confidently participate in the upcoming election.