117--NEWS--Poster/Brochure/Schedule back from printers

halloween_marathon_2024_banner_0.png dia_de_los_muertos_banner.png

Hi gang,

The poster/brochure/schedule is back from the printers.  You will find both sides attached.  Kathy Fors did a lovely job.  Thank you Kathy.  750 were printed.  I'd like for every participant to get one (and please just take one for yourself).  I'm assuming that over the full weekend we'll probably have around 250-300 participants involved in the various events.

If you are signed up on this site and are a participant and if you are outside the region so that you are unable to pick one up ... please send in your address to me and I will see that you are mailed one.

If you are a Portlander and come into the station you might pick up 10-15 of the unfolded posters and get them hung up in businesses around the area.  And please return any that you don't get distributed.  In 2001 we ran out before all the participants got one.

I know we used the same art as 2001, but this festival the three of us (Kathy Fors, Jennifer Robin and myself) were really busy and I think we got our exquisite corpse just about right the first time.  Kathy dressed it up some from last time.  Hope you'all like it.
