The Motif: Re-Imagine a Jazz Sensibility on 11/14/20



Hosted by: 
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Air date: 
Sat, 11/14/2020 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm


ulpanaylaylo's picture

Welcome back, Yugen. So good to hear your voice in real time, even if a bit muffled from Rick Mitchell's basement. Rick Mitchell did wonderful job as he does with his nationally syndicated program fleshing out jazz historical lore. I loved learning in his classroom. However, during these shakiest of pandemic plague times, your own intuitive aural collage and free-form blending has only deepened the disorientation of our 2020 Time Outta Time.

'Twas no picnic with Wage Stag-Nation for 50 years barely commented upon on the bid-net broadcasting networks where every week is THIS WEEK ON WALL STREET while Main Street gets another "Starbucks Where The Starbucks Used to Be" (thanks JeffRo for playing that Wesley Stace tune on Friday's THE SONG CIRCLE) or PLANET MONEY or MARKETPLACE or BUSINESS INSIDER or BLOOMBERG BILLIONAIRE BID-NET NEWS or FREAKANOMICS and where never a voice is heard exploring life here on PLANET OF THE CLOCK PUNCHERS from another struggling Wage Slave detached in orbit (of Dewey Redman's La-Ba or just the gravity of our Uber-ized contractor life in this here Gig E-CON).

We had a lotta prep for the Trumplican GASLIGHTing with only news of Economic Miracles all through the Obama-Biden and Trumplican years, even while housing and food instability on low wage jobs and Corporate Looting to benefit the inter-locking boards of directors and criminally immune corporate officers for years before that here in PoTown and around the globe.

Withdrawal from The Motif even with Rick Mitchell's edjamacation of jazz and blues, as he is doing now having taken back over the air from your single hour of return and free-form Organ to Oregon theme sets only makes the GASLIGHTING and feeling of dispossession and displacement more acute. Hope Rick Mitchell can get his own slot and mebbe share some time spinning for THE MOTIF without listener land losing you, Yugen!

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