Jordan Cove LNG Pandemic Update


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Air date: 
Mon, 05/25/2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Sandy Lyons Impacted Landowner statement

Since the COVID-19 Pandemic struck, there have been important developments in the fifteen year struggle to stop the Jordan Cove LNG Export Terminal and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline. When we last talked about this issue, the state of Oregon had just denied two critical permits that are required for the project to proceed and we were waiting for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to make their decision on whether or not to approve the project. Once the pandemic became a global crisis most people thought that FERC would put their decision on hold while concerns about COVID-19 took center stage. But that did not happen.

On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Allie Rosenbluth—Rogue Climate Campaigns Director—and Ashley Audycki—Rogue Climate Coos County Community Organizer, about how the Tribes, impacted landowners, community members and the State of Oregon, are fighting back against FERC's conditional approval of Jordan Cove LNG in the midst of this global pandemic.

Check out these two webinars that we talk about in this show:

Indigenous Land and Water Protectors Webinar - hosted by Rogue Climate, Tiny House Warriors, Southern Oregon Rising Tide, Signal Fire, Power Past Fracked Gas and Native Daily Network
On Thursday, May 28, from 2-3:30PM PST join Indigenous leaders from across the region for a discussion about their communities’ fights against fossil fuel export projects including the Coastal Gas Link pipeline, Jordan Cove LNG, Tacoma LNG, and the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline

The Long & Twisted Tale of Jordan Cove LNG Zoom Premiere - hosted by KBOO, Power Past Fracked Gas, Rogue Climate, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, No LNG Exports and the Media Project
We are excited to invite you to a Zoom premiere on Friday, June 5th from 6:30-8:00 pm, presenting "The Long and Twisted Tale of Jordan Cove LNG," a slideshow that accompanies Part Two of Barbara Bernstein's "Holding the Thin Green Line” radio documentary series. Please join us for a viewing of the slideshow (57 minutes) plus a Q&A session immediately afterwards with impacted landowners, community organizers and land and water protectors who are featured in the documentary.
Panel speakers: Taylor Tupper (life-long Klamath County resident and individual tribal member), Stacey McLaughlin (impacted landowner), Larry Mangan (impacted landowner), and Allie Rosenbluth (Rogue Climate).


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